Sabela Arias Castro

Pseudonym: Sabela Arias
Category: Painter
Birth Date: 24th July 1969
Birth Place: Lugo
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She studied at Ramón Falcón Technical School although she finished her career in the Faculty of Fine Arts in Salamanca and Bilbao. She makes illustrations, paintings and engravings. She constantly varies her technique, her work is a constant search for pure chromatic sensations.

 Work & Activities


-December-January 2008-09: “Paisaje cotidiano”, Sol & Bartolomé Gallery, Santiago de Compostela.
-2007: “Paisaje quotidiano”, Sargadelos Gallery, Porto - Portugal and “Los moradores del intelecto”, mural painting, Maruja Mallo Secondary School, Ordes - A Coruña (finished in September 2008).
-December-January 2006-2007: “Paisaxe urbana”, Sol&Bartolomé Gallery, Santiago de Compostela.
-2006: Sol&Bartolomé Gallery, Santiago de Compostela (December), "Galerías", ‘Campo das redes’ Gallery in "A Xunqueira", Redondela - Pontevedra (October), virtual exhibition, Provincial Museum, Lugo (September), "Paisaje cotidiano", Casa de la Torre Redondela, Pontevedra (July; catalogue) and Eurostar, A Coruña (May-June).
-2005: Mural painting, Secondary School of Ordes - A Coruña, with the participation of pupils of the centre, “Galerías”, Athenaeum of Ferrol (May), “Gritos para la paz”, Secondary School of Ordes - A Coruña (January).
-2004: “Mosaico”, Secondary School of Ordes – A Coruña (May), with the participation of pupils of the centre and “Museo”, Performance with pupils of the first year of Secondary Education, Secondary School of Ordes - A Coruña.
-June 2003: “Galerías”, O Liceo, Betanzos.
-2000: “Cúmulum”, exhibition of illustrations, Xunta de Galicia, Lugo.
-October 1998: “Chuvias, brétemas e outras veladuras atmosféricas”, Athenaeum of Ferrol; “Debuxos para nenos”, Athenaeum of Ferrol.
-April-May 1996: “Xoias de ouro prerromanas”, Vanellus, Ferrol.
-May-June 1994: “Cuncas para unha taberna”, Cazadores, Ferrol.
-May-April 1994: “Volta ó mar”, Casino Mugardés, Mugardos.
-December 1993: “As cuncas e o seu deseño”, County Council of Lugo.
-May 1993: “Galegos na emigración”, Mazustegui (Bilbao).
-August 1992: “Un mural para una aldea salvadoreña”, Guarjila (Chalatenango) El Salvador, C.A.
-December 1991: “Os arcos milenarios”, County Council of Lugo; “20 Escaparates na cidade”, organised by the Business School of Lugo (accesit).
-September 1991: “Encarnado sobre lenzo”, Ourense’s Museum.
-December-January 1988/89: Dvorak, Lugo.


-2008/2009: ‘Abertal’ Project, Provincial Museum, Lugo (4th March 2008 – 4th March 2009).
-2008: "Afurancharte" (June-August), Redondela – Pontevedra.
-2007: “The Blackwash Televised Art Gallery”, Harlem - New York - USA (October- November), Jadite Galleries “Iberoamericans fine artist in New York, Théâtre National de Chaillot – ‘Les Lutins’ Awards, Paris – France (June), “Filo café, Presencias y Ausencias”, Porto - Portugal (March), Araguaney Gallery, Santiago de Compostela (March) and ‘Pimentel Palace’, Valladolid County Council (January-February).
-2006: Athenaeum, Ferrol (October-December), Cambio CliARTico, Cordova (June; catalogue), “Os Dias Da Criação”, Em Trás-Os-Montes – Portugal (May) and Fair Holland Art, The Hague – Holland (April).
-2005/2006: “José Domínguez Guizan”, Begonte – Lugo (first prize).
-2005: Posters selected for San Fermín 2005, Pamplona.
-December 2004 – January 2005: Espacio SINO, Santiago de Compostela and collective exhibition at the Athenaeum of Ferrol.
-2004: ‘Balconadas’ (selected artist), Betanzos - A Coruña; catalogue (July – August) and Art and Craftsmanship Exhibition in Bergondo - A Coruña.
-2003: “Ancianos del mundo”, Xunta de Galicia, Lugo (December) and Old students of Ramón Falcón Technical School, Uxío Novoneira Gallery, catalogue, Lugo.
-February-March 1995: “Costas Atlánticas”, Calçada Gallery, Porto (Portugal).
-April 1994: “Bosnia Herzegovina. Ferida aberta”, Sarajevo (catalogue).
-March 1994: “Talleres del Sol”, exhibition of postal art, Tarragona.
-January 1994: “Segundo Certame Cidade de Lugo”, Lugo´s Museum, catalogue.
-January 1993: “Certame Cidade de Lugo”, Lugo´s Museum (catalogue).
-1992: “Exposición de videoarte”, BBV, Bilbao (catalogue).
-March 1992: “Mostra de Pintores Galegos”, Casa da Cultura, Vilalba (Lugo).
-January 1992: “Premios Ciudad de Palencia de Artes Plásticas”, Palencia.
-December-January 1991-92: “José D. Guizán”, Begonte (Lugo).
-December 1991: “8º Certame de Pintura Concello de Cambre”, catalogue, Cambre (A Coruña), accesit; “1ª Mostra Fotográfica Cidade de Lugo”, County Council of Lugo; “Colección do Museo Provincial de Ourense”, Ourense.
-October 1991: “Mostra UXT”, Lugo.
-September 1991: “Arte y Ordenador”, Salamanca’s Museum; “En Blanco”, Círculo de las Artes, Lugo.
-August 1991: “Gráfica 91”, Betanzos (A Coruña).
-June 1991: First Exhibition of Young Painters / Jeunes Peinares, Spanish Lyceum of Paris.
-June-July 1991: Engraving exhibition of students of the 5th year of Fine Arts, Salamanca’s Museum; ‘Pezas do curso Sargadelos 91’, Technology School, Sargadelos, Cervo (Lugo).
-1990/91: “Xuventude 90” Contest of Plastic Arts, itinerant exhibition.
-March 1989: Banco Gallego, (Lugo).

She made illustrations for the following books and magazines:

”Sorrisos e boa colleita”, Banco de Terras-Xunta de Galicia, graphic humour (November 2008), Revista Xanela, published by ‘Eira Vella’ Cultural Association in 2006, 2007 and 2008 (Betanzos), drawing for the Balloon, Betanzos (August 2008), ”O Corpus Christy en Redondela”, Ir Indo (2008), drawing for the Balloon, Betanzos (August 2007), ”Libro rojo de las setas”, Junta de Andalucía, Cartel “8 de Marzo, sumando todas sumamos máis”, "Historias de Icía y Abuela" published in "Tierras de Santiago” since 26th September 2006, Santiago de Compostela, poster for the "8º Encontro micológico Transmontano" Tras-Os-Montes – Portugal, drawing for the Balloon, Betanzos (August 2006), "Historias de Icía y Abuela", graphic humour (2006), drawing for the Balloon, Betanzos (August 2005), poster for the “XVII Festa do Champiñón”, Ordes (2005; first prize), drawing for the Balloon, Betanzos (August 2004), Bibliography of Manuel María, Citania, drawing for the Balloon, Betanzos (August 2003, Betanzos), Píntome de Cores (Text and illustrations, Citania Publications 1999), illustration of the sleeve of the record ‘Namórate da vida’ by A Quenlla, Cantos, Coplas e Romances de Cego –compiled by Mini and Mero (illustration of the title page and two CDs, Ophiusa), Cantos Coplas e Romances de Cego II –compiled by Mini and Mero (illustration of the title page and three CDs, Ophiusa), illustrations for children in ‘Athenea’, the magazine of the Athenaeum of Ferrol, ‘Andaina’ Nº10 (Santiago 1994), ‘O Xistral’ Nº 20/22 and 28 (Baracaldo, Vizcaya), Torre para os días by X. R. Barrio (1991), ‘Crónicas de Palacio Año IV’, Nº12 (November 1991, Salamanca), ‘San Froilán 1997’ Poster Prize (first prize and publication), poster of the 11th edition of the Exhibition of ‘Xeración Nós’ Galician Thetre for Children, design of the poster ‘1992/2492 Por 500 años de solidaridad liberadora’ (Bilbao 1992), NUNCA MÁS (work of photographic illustration on the resolutions of the Truth Commission in El Salvador), craft workshops, creation of workshops in several communities of El Salvador such as Guarjila, Los Ranchos and San José de las Flores (Chalatenango).


“Idiosincrasia”, a play by Sabela Arias first performed by Comecastañas Theatre Group.


-“Píntome de cores”, knowledge of colour, Citania (1999).
-“Historias de Icía e Avóa”, graphic humour, (2006).

 Other Interesting Aspects


-Athenaeum of Ferrol.
-Town Council of Betanzos.
-Town Council of Begonte.
-Town Council of Cambre.
-City Council of Lugo.
-Jon Cortina’s house-museum, Guarjila, Chalatenango, El Salvador, C.A.
-Private collections.
-Chalatenango, El Salvador.
-Lugo County Council.
-Campo de Redes Gallery, Redondela.
-Galería da Calçada, Porto (Portugal).
-Esmelgar Gallery, Lugo.
-Sol&Bartolomé Galleries, Santiago de Compostela.
-Secondary School of Ordes.
-Ourense’s Museum.

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