Rosa Elvira Caamaño Fernández

Pseudonym: Rosa Elvira
Category: Painter and writer
Birth Date: 30th May 1954
Birth Place: Bueu (Pontevedra)

She took a degree and a doctor's degree in Fine Arts in Madrid. She got a scholarship from 'San Fernando' Academy of Fine Arts to carry out her doctoral thesis. She teaches Painting in the Faculty of Fine Arts in Pontevedra. She is a member of the Archaeological Academy in Rome and commissioner of the only anthological exhibition about Serafín Avendaño (landscaper painting from Vigo who lived in the 19th century).

 Work & Activities

She wrote the book Serafín Avendaño, 1837-1916 and the article about the same painter for the Enciclopedia Gallega-Pintores (Nova Galicia). Since 1977, she has taken part in several collective exhibitions: 'Casa de Velázquez' (Madrid), 'Blanco y Negro' Prizes (Madrid), 'Penagos' Prize (Madrid), 'Centro de Arte y Cultura Ligurie', 'Palazzo Virgilio' in Genoa and '15 Pintores de Pontevedra' at the Auditorium in Pontevedra. He also made individual exhibitions at 'Caixa Vigo' (1981 and 1985), City Council of Vigo, 'Clemente' Gallery in Genoa, 'Palazzo Viviani' in Urbino (Italy), County Council of Pontevedra, 'Area Central' in Santiago, 'Caja Madrid Barquillo' Gallery, etc.

 Other Interesting Aspects

These are some of the most important prizes he has got: First honourable mention at 'Gregorio Prieto' Drawing Contest in Valdepeñas (1993); third prize at the exhibition 'Cuadros de Carnaval' awarded by the City Council of Madrid (1993); silver medal at the international exhibition 'Cristoforo Colombo, lanave e il mare' (Genoa-Italy, 1992) and 'Colombo' Prize for figurative painting awarded by the Italian-American Association of Genoa (1997).