He studied at the University of Santiago de Compostela and the Autonomous University of Barcelona. In 1984 and 1985, he enjoyed a scholarship at the Institute of Archaeology (London University). He took a degree and a doctor’s degree in History at the Spanish Open University. He was a Professor of Archaeology at the Spanish Open University (1984-2000) and Professor of Prehistory at the University of Vigo (1993-1997) and the University of Santiago de Compostela (1997-2000).
He is the author of ‘Aproximaciones a la cultura material del megalitismo gallego’ (1988), ‘Megalitismo del Noroeste de la Península Ibérica’ (1992) and ‘Los petroglifos y su contexto’ (2001) and coeditor of ‘Arqueoloxía da Morte na Península Ibérica desde as Orixes ata o Medievo’ (1995), ‘Os primeiros poboadores de Galicia: o Paleolítico’ (1996) and ‘A Idade do Bronce en Galicia: novas perspectivas’ (1998). Besides, he has published over a hundred articles related to archaeology in monographs and Galician, Spanish, Portuguese, English, French and Italian scientific magazines. His research work focusses on Galician Prehistory between the Neolitic and the Iron Age, mainly the Megalithic material culture and cave art in the open air. He is a researcher responsible for many international, national and autonomical projects: ‘As pinturas megalíticas’, ‘Os petroglifos e o seu contexto’, ‘A interacción entre os grupos galaico e esquemático na arte rupestre do NW’, ‘Manifestacións megalíticas na comarca do Deza’ and ‘Ocupación do espacio e modificacións do contorno na Península do Barbanza durante a prehistoria recente’. He was also responsible for prospecting works in several Galician places as well as for the excavations in Os Campiños necropolis (Rianxo) and El Pedroso settlement (Zamora). He stayed at the ‘Institut of Archaeology’ (London), Porto University (Portugal) and Mendes Correa Museum (Porto - Portugal). He gave many lectures all over Spain and participated in many national and international conferences as a member of the organization and scientific committees. He is a member of the scientific committee of ‘Gallaecia’ and 'Férvedes'. He also collaborated as an inspector of the ‘Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca’ (Generalitat de Cataluña) and the ‘Journal of Archaeological Science’. He organized several series of lectures and summer courses.