Ramón Casanova Fernández

Category: Painter, sculptor and photographer
Birth Date: In 1974
Birth Place: Monforte de Lemos (Lugo)


He graduated in Fine Arts (Sculpture) at Barcelona University in 1998 and attended doctorate courses ('Art i Pensament') at the same university (2002). Nowadays, he is living in Barcelona, where he has been working since 2002 as an associate Professor at San Jordi Faculty of Fine Arts. He also works as a photographer in the audiovisual and editorial area.

 Work & Activities

He made limited editions of the following books about photography: 'Aire', 'Mirar al Sol' and 'Volar al Sur' and together with M. Antònia Ferrer published 'Bacus, dels ritus i dels rostres'.

 Other Interesting Aspects

He was awarded many prizes for his work (Injuve, Jovenes Creadores, La Naturaleza Habitada...) and he exhibited his works all over Spain (Sala Amadis, Espai Volart, Palcio Montemuzo...). He makes research work for his doctoral thesis about light generating shape and carries out his artistic work using photography as a mean constantly approaching light.
He exhibits some of his works in the web: www.ramoncasanova.com.