He studied in his native town and in Santiago de Compostela until he was seventeen. Then he went back again to Cambados, where he worked as a civil servant at the Town Hall. He married Eudoxia Álvarez and travelled to Cuba when he was thirty-four years old. In La Havana, he worked as the administrator of the National Theatre. He got in touch with Galician intellectuals who had emigrated and started to collaborate in the Cuban Press. When he came back to Cambados, he worked again as a civil servant. He collaborated with the Irmandades da Fala, with Antón Vilar Ponte, who was the founder and with the newspaper A Nosa Terra. In 1920 he became a member of the Galician Academy and made a speech titled A Saudade nos poetas galegos.In 1929 he also became a member of the Spanish Academy and moved to Madrid. When the Civil War started, he moved to Valencia until the end of the war.
POETRYIn 1913, he published in La Havana the book No desterro with a preface by Basilio Álvarez. Two years later he wrote Vento Mareiro.Da terra asoballada was published in Villagarcía in 1917. In this book, he wrote about the claims for land reform and the principles supported by the Irmandades da Fala. He wrote other important poetry works such as O bendito San Amaro (Mondariz, 1926), Na noite estrelecida (Mondariz, 1926), A rosa de cen follas (Mondariz, 1927), Camiños no tempo (Santiago, 1949), Da miña zanfona (Lugo, 1954), Versos de alleas terras e de tempos idos (Santiago, 1955) and Samos (Vigo, 1958).THEATRERamón Cabanillas wrote two theatre plays A man da Santiña (1921), which is written in prose, is a comedy about love in the upper class. The other one, titled O Mariscal (1926) deals with historical theme.PROSEAlthough Ramón Cabanillas is a poet, he also wrote some compositions in prose such as A saudade nos poetas galegos (1920) and Antífona da Cantiga (1951).
The Galician Academy dedicated him ?O Día das Letras Galegas? (The Day of the Galcian Letters) in 1976.