Raimundo Sánchez Villalustre

Pseudonym: Mundo Villalustre
Category: Actor and musician
Birth Date: 24th January 1965
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1988. Auxiliary draughtsman, Vocational Training School (Pontevedra).
1994-1995: “Announcer” (occupational training course).
1997. Introductory Galician Course, Xunta de Galicia.
Languages: Galician, Castilian, Portuguese, English.

1998. Course on performance with Attes Angelopoulos, Professor at “Víctor Hernando” Theatre School in Barcelona.
1993. Course on body language and acrobatics with the Cuban dancer and actress Shelma Shoregui, Teatro Estudio (La Habana).
1992. Course on improvisation with Alberto Bokos.
1991-92. Course on acting, University of Vigo Theatre.

1992. Course on chant with Conchita Martínez, Professor at the Music Conservatoire of Vigo.
1990. Course on vocal technique and choral chant with Margarita Guerra, teacher of English at Valle Inclán Secondary School in Pontevedra and choirmaster of “Ars Musicae” and “Liceo Marítimo” in Vilagarcía de Arousa.

 Work & Activities

CENTRO DRAMÁTICO GALEGO: 2003-2004: “A Comedia do Gurgullo”. Director: Celso Parada.
TEATRO DO MORCEGO: 2007: “O Burgués fidalgo” by Moliere. Director: Celso Parada. 2006: “A Farsa de Bululu” by Manuel María. Director: Celso Parada. 2005-06: “O Circo enmeigado” by Rafael Dieste. Director: Celso Parada. 2004-05: “Os Vellos non deben namorarse” by Castelao. Director: Celso Parada. 2004-05: “O Caso da Rúa Lourcine” by Eugene Labiche. Director: Xan Cejudo. 2003-04: “A Gran ilusión” by Eduardo di Filippo. Director: Celso Parada. 2002-03: “Momo” de Michael Ende. Director: Celso Parada. 2000-01: “A Branca Rosa. Os Piratas” by Barbany-Sans. Director: Celso Parada.
TEATRO DE NINGURES: 2006-2007: “Misericordia” by Benito Pérez Galdós. Director: Etelvino Vázquez. 2005-2007: “Tartufo” by Molière. Director: Etelvino Vázquez. 1996: “Tic-Tac” by Suso de Toro. Director: Etelvino Vázquez. 1993-94: “O Polbo” by Witzkiewicz. Director: Alberto Bokos. 1992-93: “Crónica de Pantagruel” by Xosé Manuel Pazos and Aberto Bokos. Director: Alberto Bokos.
COMPAÑÍA MIRO MAGARIÑOS: 2002-2003: “Os Xigantes”, by Xoán Babarro and Ana Mª Fernández. Director: Eduardo R. Cunha “Tatán”. 2000-2001: “Unha noite con Cocó”, cabaret performance. Director: Mundo Villalustre
BALEA BRANCA PRODUCCIÓNS: 2003: “O bico da muller araña” by Manuel Puig. Director: Damián Contreras.
PRODUCCIÓNS TEATRAIS DO SUR: 1996-98: “Sempre Ubú”, by Alfred Jarry. Director: Etelvino Vázquez. 1994-95: “Macbett”, by Eugene Ionesco. Director: Julio Cardoso.
TEATRO DO ATLÁNTICO: 1998: “Amor de D.Perlimplín con Belisa no xardín” by Federico García Lorca, Director: Xulio Lago.
TEATRO AXÓUXERE: 1995-96: “En Pecado Bancario” by Julia G. Vaquero. Director: Xosé Manuel Pazos.
UNIVERSITY OF VIGO THEATRE: 1991-92: “Retrado de familia... ben unida”, Jacques Prevert. Director: Xosé M.Pazos. 1987-88: Several performances with the theatre group of the Vocational Training School of Pontevedra directed by Miro Magariños.

1984-1996: Member of “Ars Musicae” (Pontevedra).
1995-98: Member of “Coral do Liceo Marítimo” (Vilagarcía de Arousa).

“Rigoletto” (Giuseppe Verdi).
“Marina” (Arrieta).
“La fille du regiment” (Donizetti).
“Réquiem" (Mozart).
“Te Deum” (Haydn).
“Gloria” (Monteverdi).
And other works of contemporary authors from Baroque and Renaissance.

2004. “Libro de Familia”, a series for Galician TV (Ed. Compostela). Director: Mariana Carballal.
2003. “Unha nova vida”, a short directed by Héctor Diéguez
2000. “El transeúnte”, a short directed by the group Trans.
1999. “Al otro lado”, a short directed by Txema González.

 Other Interesting Aspects

1999-00: Theatre instructor at “Río Maior” School, Cobres (Vilaboa).
1998-99: Theatre instructor at “Nosa Señora das Dores” School (Forcarei).
1997-98: Theatre instructor at “A Pastora” Nursery School (Cambados).
1996-97: Theatre instructor at the Vocational Training Institute of Rodeira (Cangas).