Pepe Coira

Birth Date: In 1963
Birth Place: Rábade (Lugo)

He took a degree in Geography and History (History of Modern and Contemporary Art) at the University of Santiago and studied History and Aesthetics of Cinematography at the University of Valladolid.
He worked as a cinematographic critic in El Correo Gallego since 1983 and editor in 1986-87. He wrote the scripts of two programmes on TVG: ‘Extramuros’ (1987) and ‘Luces da cidade’ (1988-89). In 1990 he carried out the video installation ‘Paso’.
From 1988 to 1997 he worked for the Consellería de Cultura - Xunta de Galicia. He directed the CGAI in the first seven of this institution that is responsible for the promotion, spreading and revival of the Galician audiovisual. After his resignation as director of the CGAI, he worked as a teacher at the School of Image and Sound until 2000.
He joined Voz Audiovisual, first as development director and then, since 2004, as assistant manager of the firm. He was the executive producer and editor of the script of TV serials (‘Mareas vivas’, ‘Terra de Miranda’, ‘A miña sogra e máis eu’ and ‘As leis de Celavella’), documentaries (‘Vida nas mareas’ and ‘O mundo de Celavella’) as well as the film ‘De bares’.

 Work & Activities

In 2006 he started to work for Fílmax at Bren Entertainment as head of development and executive producer of Filmax TV. During this stage he mainly worked with documentaries, as series (‘Hai que mollarse’ and ‘Botarse ao monte’ ) and films: ‘Lume e fume’, ‘Historia dunha parroquia’, ‘Tolos por Xapón’, ‘O premio da rubia’, ‘Prodixiosos’ and ‘Eloxio da distancia’.
Regarding teaching, he worked as an assistant Professor in the Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication of Pontevedra from 2004 to 2007 and in the master’s degree in Audiovisual Production and Management of the University of A Coruña since its foundation.
He translated into Galician ‘Notas sobre o cinematógrafo’, by Robert Bresson (1994) and is the author of ‘As catro vidas dunha película’ (1995), ‘Antonio Román. Director de cine’ (1999; there was a second edition in Spanish: ‘Antonio Román, un cineasta de posguerra’ that was awarded a prize as the best Spanish university book in 2004), ‘Unha (brevísima) historia do cine’ (2001) and ‘No verán de 1940’ (2004). He also collaborated in the collective books: ‘Historia do cine en Galicia’ (coordinator: José Luis Castro de Paz, 1997), ‘Diccionario del cine español’ (coordinator: José Luis Borau, 1998) and ‘Diccionario do cine en Galicia (1896-2000)’ (coordinator: Pepe Coira).

 Other Interesting Aspects

He is a foundation member of TrisTram publishing house and translated stories and poems by universal classic authors.