He worked as a teacher from 1961 to 2000. He directed the Department of Didactic Material Production for Teaching in Galician (Consellería de Educación - Xunta de Galicia) for seven years.
He wrote the following books: Muxicas no espello, Celta, Lugo, 1971, O libro das adiviñas, Akal, Madrid, 1975, No cadeixo, Galaxia, Vigo, 1976, Lúa nova 1 // Lúa nova 2, Anaya, Salamanca, 1978 - 6 editions, E agora cun ceo de lama, Xerais, Vigo, 1981, Das cousas de Ramón Lamote, Galaxia, S.M. Vigo, 1985 (O Barco de Vapor Prize 1984, Losada Diéguez Prize 1985, Children and Youth National Literature Prize 1986, Ibby Honour List 1986, included in the White Ravens 1988 of the Internationale Jugendbibliothek, edition for the collection ‘Biblioteca Galega 120 de La Voz de Galicia’, A Coruña 2002; Translation into Castilian: Cosas de Ramón Lamote, S.M. Madrid, 1987; Las cosas de Ramón Lamote, edition for the collection ‘El submarino naranja’, S.M. - Del Prado Publications, Madrid, 1994; Translation into Catalan: Les coses de Ramón Lamote, Cruïlla, Barcelona, 1989; Translation into euskera: Ramon Lamoteren Gauzak, Elkar, Donostia, 1989, Translation into the dialect of Asturias: Les coses de Ramón Lamote, S.M. Madrid, 1989, (Braille version.- O.N.C.E.. 1989), Coa xente miúda 1 // Coa xente miúda 2, Vía Láctea, A Coruña, 1985, ¿Que cousa é cousa?, Galaxia, Vigo, 1985, Galego 1 // Galego 2, Vía Láctea, A Coruña, 1985, Lembranza nova de vellos mesteres, Galaxia, Vigo, 1988 (included in the White Ravens 1990; Translation into Castilian: Memoria nueva de antiguos oficios, S.M, Madrid, 1989; Translation into Catalan: Nou record de vells oficis, Cruïlla, Barcelona, 1990), El camino de Santiago, S.M., Madrid, 1990, Servando i rei do mundo enteiro, Xerais, Vigo, 1990, Dende a muralla, Xerais, Vigo, 1990, Un robot pequeño, Xerais, Vigo, 1991, (Translation into Euskera: Robot txiki bat, Desclée De Brouwer S.S., Bilbao, 1999), O vagón que perdeu o tren - O xardín, Xerais, Vigo, 1991, A, se cadra, verdadeira historia do basecus anxeliño viltroteira in Os libros do Castromil, Santiago, 1992, Historias para ler á noite, Galaxia, Vigo, 1992, Pierre, Consorcio de Santiago, Santiago de Compostela, 1993, Dous homes ou tres, S.M., Madrid. 1993, (Translation into Castilian: Dos hombres o tres, S. M., Madrid, 1995), Andanzas e amizades dun robot pequeño, Xerais, Vigo, 1994, Autovía, Nigra, Vigo, 1994, Un reguiño na terra cha, Xistral, Monforte, 1995, Somos galegos porque..., Xunta de Galicia, 1996, O paporrubio que tiña sede, Xunta de Galicia, 1998, Medio burato, S.M., Madrid, 2000 and Auga para encher un cesto, Luis Vives, Zaragoza, 2002.
He edited the supplement ‘Axóuxere – Semanario do neno galego’, published in the newspaper La Región (Ourense) from 1974 to 1975. He is a member of the editorial staff of the magazine ‘A trabe de ouro’ and columnist in the newspapers El Progreso (Lugo) and Diario de Pontevedra.. He participated in many collective volumes and gave lectures and reports in several conferences. He also collaborated in radio and TV programmes and was awarded Santiago Prize (Spanish TV, 1987) and ‘Puro Cora’ Journalism Prize (1994).