His father was the architect Lucas Ferro Caaveiro. He spent all his life in his native city. When his father died, he became master builder at the cathedral. From 1774 to 1779, he directed the hydraulic works of the harbour in A Coruña.According to an edict, Miguel Ferro Caaveiro was nominated master builder in Santiago in 1780, in such a way that no work could be carried out without his consent. This implied a confrontation with the architect Melchor de Prado.
Miguel Ferro Caaveiro carried out many projects and he was offered many works in different towns and cities of Galicia. In relation to religious works, Ferro Caaveiro made the Comunion Chapel at the cathedral, the Animas Chapel and the parish church St María do Camiño. We can stand out other smaller works such as Los Dolores Chapel at St Miguel's Church and Los Milagros Chapel at St Santa María Salomé Church.As far as civil architecture is concerned, he made constructions framed by Tuscan pilasters and buildings where pilasters are replaced by projections or even disappear. Besides, Miguel Ferro Caaveiro wrote the book Divertimento de geometría mixta.