Marta González Vázquez

Category: Historian
Birth Place: Santiago de Compostela (A Coruña)
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She took a doctor’s degree in Medieval History at Santiago de Compostela University and specialised in Social History and History of Galician Women. She made documentaries for the firms Sargadelos and was a Professor of Medieval History at A Coruña University. Before being nominated as director general of the ‘Servicio Galego de Igualdade’, she was responsible for an European University Network and manager of several European projects of university cooperation for four years. She has been directing this service since 4th April 2003.

 Work & Activities

She wrote Las mujeres de la Edad Media y el Camino de Santiago (Santiago, Xunta de Galicia), El arzobispo de Santiago: una instancia de poder en la Edad Media (Sada, Do Castro Publications) and Inés de Castro (Santiago, Xunta de Galicia, 2003).