María Victoria Fernández-España y Fernández-Latorre

Pseudonym: Victoria Armesto
Category: Journalist
Birth Date: 12th June 1925 (†10th June 1999)
Birth Place: A Coruña

Her mother was Juan Fernández-Latorre's daughter (the founder of the newspaper La Voz de Galicia). She studied in the Secondary School of A Coruña and at 'Santa Isabel' School in Madrid. In 1945, she began to study Journalism taking her degree in 1949. In 1950, she married the journalist Felipe Fernández Armesto 'Augusto Assía' and they travelled to the USA, where they stayed up to 1950.

 Work & Activities

In the USA, she worked as correspondent of 'La Voz de Galicia' and also sent chronicles to the newspaper 'Pueblo' and the magazine 'Semana'. These are some of her most important books: Galicia Feudal, ?Galaxia? Publications, 1970; Dos gallegos: Feijoo y Sarmiento, ?Moret? Publications, 1964; Verbas Galegas, ?Galaxia? Publications, 1973 (written in Galician); Herminia, La Voz de Galicia, 1976; La otra cara de la luna (narration published in press during her stay in America) Los caminos sin camino; Historias de Nueva York; Los hijos cautivos de Breogán, ?Do Castro? Publications, 1986 y Los liberales coruñeses, City Council of A Coruña, 1996.