María José Caride Estévez

Birth Date: 1st August 1966
Birth Place: Vigo (Pontevedra)

She took a degree in Economic Studies at the University of Vigo and a doctor’s degree in Economic and Business Studies at the University of Santiago de Compostela. She did an MA in Transport Economy at Carlos III University, Madrid (1991-1993).

 Work & Activities

She is a Professor of the Department of Applied Economy at the University of Vigo. In the Faculty of Economic and Business Studies (Vigo) and in the Faculty of Business Studies and Tourism (Ourense), she taught Spanish and world economy, local and regional development and economic policy and international economy. She is an expert on transports (Doctoral thesis: ‘Intermodalidad y demanda de transporte. Aplicación al nuevo acceso ferroviario Galicia-Madrid’). Her minor thesis, ‘Comparative Study of Renfe's Performance’ (1993), was carried out under the directions of Professor C.A. Nash and Dr. J.P. Preston of the Institute for Transport Studies at the University of Leeds (United Kingdom).

 Other Interesting Aspects

She is the author of many studies and publications about infrastructure and transport economy. She was ‘conselleira’ responsible for Public Works and Transport in the Xunta de Galicia (2005-2009).