He studied Primary Education at the school of his native village, Secondary Education at the Seminary of Mondoñedo, Teaching (1stcourse) at the Teaching School of Burgos and Philosophy and Theology in Mondoñedo and Salamanca.
In 1970, he was ordained as a priest and at present he is the chaplain of the ‘Comunidad de la Compañía de María’ in Ferrol.
He mainly published poetry books except for “Contos e outras cousas” (collection of stories).
-“Después de muchos años” – “Despois de moitos anos” (Spanish and Galician).
-“Cuentos y otras cosas” – “Contos e outras cousas” (Spanish and Galician).
-“A la orilla de un sendero” – “Á beira dun carreiro” (Spanish and Galician).
-“Vía Crucis + Sacramentos” (Spanish).
-“Según San Marcos” (Spanish).
-“Unha nena nun xardín” (Galician).
-“Pájaros que sueñan” (Spanish).
-“Mi mano izquierda” (Spanish).
-“Sementando” (Spanish and Galician).
-“Fin de ano” (Galician).
Amateur painter.