Degree in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Santiago de Compostela in June 1981.Houseman attached to the Legal Medicine Chair. Diploma in Theology (Ecclesiastic studies from 1961 to 1973).Higher course on drug addictions.Expert on alcoholism.Expert on Psychotherapy.Professor of the 2nd and 3rd higher courses on drug addictions, University of Santiago de Compostela.
Director of the Centre for the Prevention and Treatment of Alcoholism and Drug Addictions of Lugo from March 1982 to 31st December 1988.Doctor of the Drug addiction Unit of the Provincial Red Cross from 1st January 1988 up to date.Technical director of the programmes of ALIAD (Association for the Information and Help to drug addict people in Lugo) from 1st January 1989 up to date. Director of the programme to prevent alcoholism, tobacco and other drug addictions at work.Programme of the Ministry of Social Matters / UGT.Co-director of Alfa Project: Problems related to alcohol in Primary Attention. Responsible for the Unit of drug addiction and addictive behaviour at “Nosa Señora dos Ollos Grandes” Sanatorium. He attended many courses and collaborated as director and rapporteur in many others, most of them related to drug addiction and alcoholism.OBRAS:-“Drogas ¿qué son, cuáles son?”, City Council of Lugo (1987).-“Legislación y Drogas”, City Council of Lugo (1989).-“Consumo de drogas en la población activa trabajadora lucense”, Lugo (1991).-“Situación laboral de los profesionales de drogodependencias en Galicia”, Lugo (1991).Collective books:-“El desenganche de la droga”, Institute of Applied Sociology, Madrid (1987).-“Libro de ponencias de las XVI Jornadas de Socidroalcohol”, Socidrogalcohol, Valladolid (1998).-“Drogodependencias y Sociedad”, Caixa Galicia Foundation (1990).-“Estudios sobre Servicios Sociales”, Socidrogalcohol, Valladolid (1991).-“Las drogodependencias en España”, Institute of Applied Sociology, Madrid (1992).-“Poesía e pintura fronte ás drogas”, Lugo County Council (1993).-“La ejecución de las penas privativas de libertad a los delincuentes peligrosos”, Lugo County Council.-“Primeras Jornadas de Drogodependencias y Centros Penitenciarios” (1995).Some of his articles were published in “Arume” (magazine of the Medical Association of Lugo) (1992), “O consumo de drogas na provincia de Lugo” in LUCENSIA, Diocesan Seminary of Lugo (1994), “Hábitos tabáquicos del colectivo médico de Lugo” in “Adicciones” and “Profesionales de servicios asistenciales de drogodependencias: situación laboral, personal y profesional” in “Cuadernos de Realidades Sociales”. He also collaborates in El Progreso with articles about information and opinion on different aspects of drug addictions and addictive behaviour. He also collaborates on several occasions in different magazines.
‘Lucense del año’ (1990).Concepción Arenal Medal (1993).Lecturer and rapporteur in over a hundred speeches, lectures and round-table conferences about themes related to drug addictions and addictive behaviour.Specialization courses on drug addictions tackled from the medical, psychological, social and legal point of views.Foundation member and ex president of ASPRODROGA (Galician Association of Professionals for the Study and Research on drug addictions).Foundation member and president of FEGAD (Galician Federation of Associations for helping drug addict people).Secretary of UNAD (National Union of Associations for helping drug addict people).Member of several scientific societies such as SET and SOCIDROGALCOHOL (Spanish Scientific Society for the Studies on Alcohol and other Toxic manias).