He studied Humanities at the Mercedarian Schools in Sarria (Lugo) and Verín (Ourense). He carried out his ecclesiastic studies at the Mercedarian Convent in Poyo (Pontevedra) and was ordained as a priest on 27th March 1949. He took a doctor’s degree in Social Sciences at León XIII Social Institute (Madrid) on 5th May 1971 and a degree in Political Sciences at Complutense University on 11th April 1978. He graduated in Sindical Studies at the Centre of Sindical Studies (Madrid) on 18th June 1963. He directed ‘Estudios’ from 1957 to 1975 and was a Professor of Education Sociology and Economy at Pontifical University of Salamanca from 1984 to 1996 that he retired. He was also subdirector of the Institute of European Studies (1994-96) and head of the scholarship department (1991-92) at the same University. He gave classes at Gaudium et Spes Theological Institute and St Esteban University (Salamanca). He gave courses in Spain and abroad and attended national and international conferences. He was also a visiting Professor at Castelo Branco University (Portugal), ULBRA University (Porto Alegre, Brazil) and the Catholic University of Lima. He was a Professor at the Experience University in Castilla-León from 1992 to 2000. Nowadays, he is on the editorial staff of ‘Estudios’ and was also on the one of ‘Educadores’.
These are some of his most important books and articles: Mella y su pensamiento social (Estudios, Madrid, 1972), Vázquez de Mella: sobre su vida y obra (Estudios, Madrid, 1973), El pensamiento sociopolítico de Mella (Estudios, Madrid, 1974), Cartas inéditas de Concepción Arenal (Diputación Provincial de A Coruña, 1984), Cristo, el Señor (PPC, Madrid, 1984), Doctrina sindical Pontificia (Pontifical University of Salamanca, 1986), Santuarios Marianos Mercedarios en España (Lancia, León, 1989), La Sociología de la Educación en España; pasado inmediato y presente (in collaboration; Pontifical University of Salamanca, 1991), Política educativa de la Unión Europea (Pontifical University of Salamanca, 1996), Sociología de los Mayores (Pontifical University of Salamanca, 1999), El derecho a la educación de la infancia y de los jóvenes en desventaja sociocultural en el marco de la Unión Europea (Pontifical University of Salamanca, 1997), Spain and EC Membership Evaluated (in collaboration; Pinter Publisher, London, 1993) and La figura y obra de San Pedro Nolasco (Ed. Mercedaria, Lima, Perú, 2001).
He filled important offices in the Mercedarian Order: master of postulants in Lequeitio (1949-1950), superior at Casa de Estudios de Madrid (1963-66), superior in Jerez (1976-82), priest of the Corpus Christi in Jerez (1977-1982), rector of Vera-Cruz hall of residence in Salamanca (1982-1985), vice-postulayor of the Mercedarian Martyrs of Castile (from 1991 up to the moment).