In 1978, he took his degree in Economical Sciences at Santiago University. From 1981 to 1983, he made doctorate courses in the Faculty of Economical Sciences. After a public competition, he became a teacher of Secondary Education in 1979. In 1994, he got a senior teaching post. He studied Political Sciences in the Open University (UNED) and English and Portuguese at the Language School. From October 1983 to June 1984, he attended the course 'Curso de Economistas - Auditores'. He works as assistant lecturer at the Trade School in A Coruña, where he teaches the subject 'Galician Labour Structure'. He also attended the course 'Formación de formadores en técnicas pedagógicas' at Madrid University.
Pensamento político y económico de Lois Peña Novo ('Do Castro' Publications).
Obra completa de Lois Peña Novo (coeditor with Xusto G. Beramendi).
Informes sobre a situación sociolaboral de la Comunidad Autónoma Galega de los años 1992, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98 and 99 (with other authors).
O pensamento económico de Castelao (minutes of the Congress "Castelao").
He published several articles in the following newspapers: Galicia en Clave Ecómica, Irimia, Anuario Brigantino, La Voz de Galicia, El Progreso, El ideal Gallego and Comunidad Escolar.
He also collaborates in the Galician Encyclopaedia ('Gran Enciclopedia Gallega').
He is a member of several permanent seminars and pedagogical working parties such as 'Project of educative investigation and innovation', 'Studies of Public Administration' and 'Image at school'.
He directed several courses to train the teaching staff about foreign trade, marketing, labour legislation and stock market...