Manuel Lorenzo Janeiro Casal

Category: Graphic designer
Birth Date: 10th August 1951
Birth Place: Madrid

He is a member of the Association of Graphic Designers of Catalonia, member of the Design Technical Commission of the ‘Consello da Cultura Galega’ and member of the advisory board of Carlos Casares Foundation.
He was selected for the following exhibitions: ‘Galicia: Tradición e Deseño’, Xunta de Galicia (1991), ‘Galicia Terra Única’, Xunta de Galicia (1997), ‘A creación do necesario. Aproximacións ó deseño do século XX en Galicia’, Contemporary Art Museum, Vigo (2004).
He was on the following editorial staffs: ‘La Pizarra’, supplement of Faro de Vigo (1978-1979), ‘Revista Galega de Educación’ (1986-1989) and ‘Obradoiro’, magazine of the Galician Association of Architects (1987-1990).

 Work & Activities

He carried out the following national and international projects: ‘Fálalle Galego’, a campaign of the Xunta de Galicia (1984), corporate image of Galaxia publishing house, Vigo (1987), corporate image of the cultural centre of the Spanish Embassy in Algiers (1988), corporate image of Gredos publishing house, Madrid (1989), catalogue of the Spanish Academy (1991), corporate image of the Galician Academy (1994), campaign of institutional posters of Alcalá de Henares University (1996), corporate image of the ‘Instituto Galego de Psicomotricidade’ (1998), corporate image of the Linguistic Planification and Normalization Archives of the ‘Consello da Cultura Galega’ (1999), design of the publications of the ‘Consello da Cultura Galega’ (2001), corporate image of ‘Guadalquivir’, a Spanish bookshop in Bos Aires (2001), corporate image of the ‘Instituto Europeo di Psicomotricitá’, Melfi – Italy (2002), corporate image of the ‘Instituto Internacional de Eutonía’, Santiago (2002), corporate image of Carlos Casares Foundation, Vigo (2003) and design of the collection ‘Arquitectura da Universidade de Vigo’, Univeristy of Vigo (2004).
PUBLICATIONS: He collaborated in the following dictionaries and encyclopaedias: ‘Gran Enciclopedia Galega’, vol. XVIII, edited by Silverio Cañada, Santiago de Compostela (1974), ‘Enciclopedia Galega Universal’, vol. X, Ir Indo Edicións, Vigo (1999), ‘Diccionario dos Nomes Galegos’, Ir Indo Edicións, Vigo (1992), ‘Deseño’, ‘Gran Enciclopedia Galega’, vol. XIII, El Progreso-Diario de Pontevedra, Pontevedra (2003) and ‘Diccionario Enciclopédico Galego Universal’, vol. XXXV, La Voz de Galicia, A Coruña (2003).
POETRY BOOKS: ‘Seis poemas’ in ‘La Banda de Moebius. Antología’, Madrid, edited by Luís Manuel Rodríguez, pages 11-16 (1977), ‘Primera edad’, Edicións Castrelos, Vigo (1977), ‘Poemas sobreros’, Madrid, edited by Octavio Cólis (1989) and ‘Casi en noviembre’, Edicións Bárbaras, Vigo (1996).
ARTICLES AND OTHER PUBLICATIONS: ‘La imagen, su función, su tipología y su lectura en el lenguaje plástico. El tema y su significado para el niño', Madrid, pages 11-52 (1976); ‘Ascensión do deseño aos ceos’, Luces 5/6, p. 21 (1987); ‘O deseño gráfico dos anos noventa’ in ‘Galicia Terra Única. Galicia Hoxe’, Santiago de Compostela, Xunta de Galicia, pages 122-124 (1997); ‘O deseño editorial en Galicia’, Eidos do Libro 1, pages 42-43 (1998); ‘Deseño’ in 'Galicia 2010. Lingua e Cultura', A Coruña, Asociación Proxecto de Investigación Galicia 2010’, pages 115-118 (2001) and ‘Deseño. ¿Que pode significar esa palabra?’ (a series of seven books with this title), ECO. Revista do Eixo Atlántico 141, p. 70-72; 142, p. 47; 143, p. 47; 145, p. 77; 146, p. 75; 148. p. 71; 149. p. 73 (2003).
FILMOGRAPHY: He directed and wrote the script of the following films: ‘Mínimo’ by Alberto Noguerol and Pilar Díez, OFF filmes / TVG, Santiago de Compostela (2003) and ‘As persoas do verbo’ by Guadalupe Piñeira and Xesús Irisarri, OFF films / TVG, Santiago de Compostela (2004).
He founded the first studio of graphic design in Galicia in 1978. Since 1989 up to the moment, he has been responsible for the global image of Gredos publishing house (Madrid), consisting of publishing, corporative and advertising design. He was also responsible for that in Galaxia (Vigo) from 1987 to 2002. Nowadays, he is responsible for the design of the following collections: ‘Literaria’, 'Bibliotecas de Autor’, ‘Dombate’, ‘Illa Nova’, Manuais’, ‘Memoria’, ‘Ensaio’, 'Biblioteca de Teatro’, 'Clásicos en Galego’ and ‘Clásicos Universais’.

 Other Interesting Aspects

Since 2001 up to the moment, he has been responsible for the design of the following collections of the ‘Consello da Cultura Galega’: ‘Colección Base’, 'Colección de Peto’, 'Colección Gran Formato’ and ‘Fontes para a Historia de Galicia’. As far as publishing design is concerned, he has designed over 2500 books. He has been working as a teacher at 'Martín Códax' School in Vigo since 1974.