He studied in the Faculty of Fine Arts in Madrid (1977 - 82) and the Circle of Fine Arts (Madrid) and enjoyed a scholarship of the County Council of Pontevedra (1977 - 82).
1981: Culture Hall, (painting), Pontevedra.
1992: M. Chaves Museum, Chaves (Portugal).
1994: ‘Adega do Faustino’, Chaves (Portugal).
1995: Celanova’s Monastery, Celanova (Ourense).
1999: ‘Expo-Salnés’, Cambados (Pontevedra).
2000: ARCANA Gallery, Vilagarcía (Pontevedra).
2001: BORRÓN 4 Gallery, Cambados (Pontevedra).
2002: SARGADELOS Gallery (Pontevedra).
1979: Autumn Exhibition, Santiago de Compostela, A Coruña, etc.
1980: ’Grupo 13 + 1’, Brianda de Mendoza Secondary School, Guadalajara.
1981: ‘Grupo 13 + 1’, gallery at ‘Espronceda’ Theatre, Madrid.
1982: Gallery of the Faculty of Fine Arts, Complutense University (Madrid) and ‘Colectiva de 3: Busto, Clares, Molina’, C.A.V., Vigo.
1983: Seventh Art Biennial, (New Artists), Pontevedra.
1986: Seventh National Art Biennial, Mondoñedo, and Lugo.
1988: ‘Novísimos’, (itinerant exhibition), Ferrol, A Coruña, etc.
1989: ‘I Encontros Minhotos’, ‘Plástica’, Ourense.
1990: Gallaecia`90 ‘Plástica’, Vilapouca de Aguiar (Portugal).
1991: Christmas Exhibition, Ourense’s Museum.
1992: ‘Nós por cá’, Termas de Chaves (Portugal) and ‘Imaxes a carón da aula’ (catalogue), ‘Teatro Principal’, Pontevedra.
1993: ‘Exposición de dous’, ‘Taberna do Faustino’, Chaves (Portugal).
1995: ‘Homenaje a Sevillano’, ‘I. de Carril’ (catalogue), Vilagarcía.
1996: ‘Santa Compaña’ First Art Exhibition, Cambados (Pontevedra).
1997: ‘Tres tristes tigres’, ‘ O Galo Negro’, Cambados (Pontevedra).
1998: Fexdega, Vilagarcía (Pontevedra) and Ars-Saliniensis, ExpoSalnes (catalogue), Cambados (Pontevedra).
1998: Second Autumn Painting Exhibition (catalogue), A Coruña and 14th edition of ‘Ciudad de Zamora’ Painting Biennial (catalogue), Zamora.
1999: Sixth edition of ’Isaac Díaz Pardo’ Plastic Art Contest (catalogue), A Coruña, 16th edition of the Painting Contest organised by the City Council of Cambre (catalogue), A Coruña and ‘Fervenzas’, Auditorium, Caldas de Reis (Pontevedra).
2000: ‘Eixo Atlántico’ Fourth Painting Prize (catalogue), itinerant exhibition and 17th edition of the Painting Contest organised by the City Council of Cambre (catalogue), A Coruña.
2001: 18th edition of the Painting Contest organised by the City Council of Cambre (catalogue), A Coruña and ‘Eixo Atlántico’ Fifth Painting Prize (catalogue), Galicia and Portugal, itinerant exhibition.
2002: ‘Arte no Morrazo’, painting and sculpture (catalogue), Cangas (Pontevedra) and Fourth Autumn Painting Exhibition, A Coruña.
2003: Eight edition of ’Isaac Díaz Pardo’ Plastic Art Contest (catalogue), A Coruña.
2004: ‘4 de Pintura’, OMIC, City Council of Ribadeo (Lugo).
1999: Sixth edition of ‘Isaac Díaz Pardo’ Contest, County Council of A Coruña.
2000: Painting Prize organised by the City Council of Cambre (A Coruña).
2001: ‘Eixo Atlántico do Noroeste Peninsular’ Painting Prize.
2003: Eight edition of ‘Isaac Díaz Pardo’ Contest, County Council of A Coruña.
He collaborated in the art gallery of the tube in Madrid (Retiro), mounted by Carlos Clares (1985), in the literary magazines ‘Idromel’ (1986) and ‘Rollo Klave’ (1997), in the poetry and fiction book ‘En un lugar del alma’ (1998) and with illustrations in the book ‘Poemario Irlandés’ by Adolfo Caamaño, Espiral Maior (2000).