Manuel Blanco Castro

Pseudonym: Blas de Ugol
Category: Writer
Birth Date: 12th August 1926 (†18-6-2006)
Birth Place: Lugo

He studied Humanities at the Franciscan Seminary of Herbón -Padrón, Noviciate and Taking of vows, as well as Humanities, Philosophy and Theology for some years in Santiago. He was ordained as a priest in Lugo in 1955 and appointed to the 'Academy of American Franciscan History' in the USA (Bethesda-Maryland and Cleveland). In Venezuela, he devoted himself to teaching and parish activity. In 1963, he was secularized and emigrated to Holland and Switzerland. In 1966, he got married, thanks to the celibacy dispensation given by the Pope Pablo VI in Rotterdam. He worked as teacher in Salamanca and he has lived in Barcelona since 1968, where he carries out different activities.

 Work & Activities

In 1958, he founded in Venezuela the newspaper 'Unidad', which lasted for a short period of time. He collaborates with several publishing houses: 'Espasa' (as editor and corrector), 'Nauta' (as corrector), 'Sopena' and 'Plaza y Janés'. He also founded the magazine 'Cisneros' in which he collaborates with his son. He was nominated as a deputy of the 'International Parliament for Safety and Peace', by His Holiness Viktor Busa, Orthodox Archbishop and president. He published the book Una gran figura gallega. Vida y obra de Manuel Rodríguez. Besides, he collaborated in the following newspapers and magazines: 'El Eco Franciscano', 'Liceo Franciscano', 'La Noche', 'El Correo Gallego', 'El Progreso', 'Boletín de Monumentos', 'Plaza Maior', 'Archivo Ibero Americano', 'Estudios', etc.

 Other Interesting Aspects

He also made indexes of critical edition of Crónica del Perú, Córdova y Salina, Ligo G. Canedo and collaborated in the magazines 'The Americas', 'Museo de Pontevedra' and 'Estudios Mindonienses'. He also collaborates in the Gran Enciclopedia Gallega (Galician Encyclopaedia).