Ana Mª González Mallo

Pseudonym: Maruja Mallo
Category: Painter
Birth Date: 1909 (†1995)
Birth Place: Viveiro (Lugo)

When she was still a young girl she moved to Madrid together with her family. She studied Painting at St Fernando School of Fine Arts taking her degree in 1926. In 1935, she went to the exhibition of Contemporary Spanish Art at the Museum Jeu de Paume (Paris). At the beginning of the Civil War she settled down in Portugal and then moved to America. In 1965 she came back again to Spain and lived in Madrid.

 Work & Activities

She was the illustrator of the magazine Revista de Occidente and collaborated in the most important literary and artistic gatherings in Madrid getting in touch with Neruda, Rafael Alberti, Dalí, Buñuel, among others.

In 1932, she celebrated her second individual exhibition at the Gallery Pierre Loelo in France.

André Bretón, who was the founder of surrealism, bought her picture Espantapájaros.

She was in exile in many cities although she used to live in Buenos Aires. In this city she made the scenery for the scenic poem Cantata de Federico García Lorca by Alfonso Reyes and in 1945 she painted big panelling for the cinema "Los Ángeles".