Luis Sobrado Fernández

Category: Professor and writer
Birth Place: Xesta - Lalín (Pontevedra)
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-Professor, Education inspector and teacher of Primary Education (leave). -Doctor's degree in Pedagogy and degree in Pedagogic Psychology at Complutense University (Madrid). -Nowadays he directs the department of Research Methods and Techniques in Educational Sciences at the Faculty of Educational Sciences (Santiago University). -He also directed the Institute of Educational Sciences (ICE) and the Publications and Scientific Interchange Service at Santiago University.

 Work & Activities

He wrote several books such as Intervención Psicopedagógica y Orientación Educativa (P.P.U., Barcelona, 1990), Servicios de Orientación a los Centros Educativos (Laiovento, Santiago, 1996), Evaluación Psicopedagógica y Orientación Educativa (Estel, Barcelona, 2000), Estratexias de Orientación Psicopedagógica no Ensino Secundario (Laiovento, Santiago, 1998) and Orientación Profesional (Estel, Barcelona, 2000). He signed the 'Hostal' agreements for the Reform of the Galician Statute of Autonomy as general secretary of the Galician Party, 1980. He was invited at UCLA, Los Angeles and Louisville Universities (U.S.A.). He presented over fifty scientific reports in congresses of Educational Sciences, Diagnóstico en educación (Madrid, Biblioteca Nueva, 2002) and Evaluación y orientación de competencias y cualificaciones profesionales (Barcelona, Estal, 2004).