Luis Emilio Batallán

Category: Musician

Composer, musician and singer-songwriter

He has been present in the music world since the 70’s.

During his four decades of musical activity, he recorded four famous and valued LPs.

“Aí ven o Maio”, his first record, was a best seller. One of the member of Nova Canción Galega, set Álvaro Cunqueiro’s poem “No niño do voo do vento” to music and changed it to the new title “Quen poidera namorala”.

During the 80’s, Luis Emilio worked carefully in his second record. In 1990, he published “Ballet da nena”, with words of his own and illustrious Galician poets like Uxío Novoneyra, Neira Vilas, Rosalía de Castro, Celso Emilio Ferreiro and Manuel Antonio.

Two years after presenting “Ballet da nena”, Batallán pulished a new LP titled “Eres un fármaco”. Some themes like “Agardei”, inspired in a poem by C. Emilio Ferreiro, became famous.

After publishing three records in the 20th century, Luis Emilio Batallán surprised everyone with this fourth record, “Tu retrato”, with the collaboration of great musicians and friends like Pablo Milanés and Joaquín Sabina.

With his new record, “Había que chegar”, Luis Emilio approaches to Latin rhythms, tribal melodies and the purest jazz style. It was recorded in the USA, Cuba, Switzerland and Spain and regained his whole essence, incorporating new sounds and tunes to go on fulfilling a musical development that goes on increasing and reaching new horizons throughout the time.