She took a degree in Art History at the University of Santiago de Compostela.
She started her profesional activity in 2004 and did her training thanks to a collaboration agreement between the Social Council of the University of Santiago de Compostela and the Galician Academy of Fine Arts, consisting of the catalogation and arrangement of “Patrimonio Monumental de Galicia” (slide files). In that moment she began to collaborate with that institution, being in charge of the catalogation and arrangement of ‘Manuel Chamoso Lamas’ photographic files, the reorganization of heritage funds and the updating of ancient and current members of the Academy.
From Setember 2004 to May 2008 she began to collaborate with ‘La Caraba’ on Radio Voz, coordinated and directed by Iván Mera, with a slot about new artistic tendencies in contemporary art. Nowadays she collaborates on Radioleiros with a slot about current artistic tendencies and on Radio Social Atlántico with a slot about the seventh art and scenic arts known as “Desde la Butaca”. In this radio slot she is responsible for the cinematographic section and works with Susana Albardonedo, who is in charge of the theatre and dance section. She attended different courses related to cinematographic art such as “O cinema e as Belas Artes” coordinated by Ángel Luis Hueso Montón, Professor of Cinema History at the University of Santiago de Compostela.
Together with Juan Raúl López Naya she wrote a monograph about Adolfo Anta Seoane, conductor, composer and musicographer, and Marcial del Adalid Awards.
Nowadays she is preparing a research work about Win Wenders.