Lázaro Domínguez Gallego

Category: Priest and writer
Birth Date: 12th December 1936
Birth Place: Zamora

He is a priest, coadjutor of 'El Pilar' parish church, teacher at 'Concepción Arenal' Secondary School in Ferrol and chaplain of Mercedarian Nuns in Ferrol. He has been living in Ferrol since August 1959.

 Work & Activities

He wrote Raquel (a religious book for young people), Sombra larga (poetry book), Con los ojos bañados de gaviotas (poetry book), Junto a la cuna de la muerte (poetry book) and La resurrección de las presencias (poetic anthology published by 'Rutas del Románico' Foundation in Pontevedra). He also writes opinion articles in the newspapers El Ideal Gallego and Diario de Ferrol.

 Other Interesting Aspects

He got 'Pérez Galdós', 'Ateneo de Sevilla' and 'City Council of Carreño - Asturias' Narrative Prizes. He was also awarded several poetry prizes such as 'Alfonso Camín' (Gijón - Asturias, 1978), 'Ausías March' (Gandía, 1982), 'Paco Moyá' (Petrel - Alicante, 1992), 'Carabela de Plata' (Barcelona, 1980), 'Nacional Jerez', 'Amantes de Teruel', 'Gerardo Diego' (Madrid), 'Eladio Cabañero' 'Tomelloso', 'Francisco de Quevedo' (Villanueva de los Infantes) and the Second Poetry Prize about Christmas in Begonte - Lugo (2009).