Juan Ordóñez Buela

Pseudonym: Ordoño II
Category: Telecommunication engineer
Birth Date: 13th December 1933
Birth Place: Asados - Rianxo (A Coruña)

When he was nine, he moved with his parents to San Juan de Liaño, Bexo. Then he lived in other Spanish cities such as Santiago, A Coruña, Bilbao, Seville, Cáceres, Alcalá de Henares and Madrid, where he is living at the moment. He is married to Mª Elena Sueiro Suárez and has five children. Nowadays, he works as inventor at the Galician Centre in Madrid. He filled several offices in the following companies: 'Manufacturas Metálicas Madrileñas', 'CTNE', 'Ertisa', 'Barreiros' and 'Philips Ibérica'. He collaborated with the newspaper El Correo Gallego and other national newspapers. He was decorated by the King. He likes climbing. He is a member of the 'Enxebre Orden da Vieira', the association 'Amigos do Camiño de Santiago' (Madrid) and the association 'Amigos del Río Ulla'.