Juan José Moralejo Álvarez

Category: Philologist
Birth Date: 23rd September 1941
Birth Place: Santiago de Compostela (A Coruña)

He took a degree in Law (Santiago, 1958-63) and a doctor’s degree in Classic Philology in 1971, teaching Greek Language and Literature at Santiago University. He also taught Latin and Greek Language and Literature at Complutense, Navarra and La Laguna Universities. He collaborated with Professor Rodríguez Adrados in ‘Diccionario Griego-Español’ from 1969 to 1970. He has also collaborated in courses, reports and lectures in many national and international universities, institutions and conferences.

 Work & Activities

He collaborated with many of his works related to Indo-European, Classic and Galician Philology and Linguistics in national and international magazines and conferences: 'El bilingüismo y sus problemas' (UNED, Pontevedra, 1980); 'A lingua galega hoxe' and 'A lingua galega e os seus problemas' (Vigo, Galaxia, 1976 and 1982; 'As paráfrasis do Grego en Cabanillas' (homage to Cabanillas for the centenary of his birth, Santiago University, 1977); 'Ambiente e principios ideolóxicos no teatro de Aristófanes' (Cadernos da Escola Dramática Galega 36, 1983); 'Alofonía na creación poética en lingua grega antiga' (‘Poetas alófonos en Lingua Galega', Galaxia, Vigo 1994); 'Variantes textuais nun poema de Cómaros verdes, de Aquilino Iglesia Alvariño' (Boletín Galego de Literatura 7, 1992); 'Escultura y lengua griega. Repaso a los términos ANDRIÁS, ÁGALMA, BRÉTAS, XÓANON, KOLOSSÓS, EIKÓN, ÉIDOLON' (Abrente 27, 1995-96); 'Mundo clásico' in ‘O fin dun canto’ by Xosé Luis Méndez Ferrín and 'Una cántiga inédita de Camilo Flores' (homage to Professor Camilo Flores, Santiago de Compostela University, 1999); 'Mundo clásico en Curros' (‘Cinguidos por unha arela común’, homage to Professor Xesús Alonso Montero, Santiago de Compostela University, 1999); 'Lenguas paleohispánicas' (‘Os Celtas da Europa Atlántica. Actas do Iº Congreso Galego sobre a Cultura Celta’, Ferrol, 1999); 'De Griegos en Galicia' (EPIEIKEIA. Studia Graeca im memoriam Jesús Lens Tuero, Athos - Pérgamos, Granada 2000); 'Prosapia y trapisonda de Iria Flavia' (El Extramundi y los Papeles de Iria Flavia XXI, 2000); 'Hidronimia galaica prerromana' (‘Religión, Lengua y Cultura Prerromanas de Hispania’, Salamanca University, 2001); 'El epíteto teonímico ANABARAECO' (Boletín Auriense 32, 2002); 'Mandeo, Mendo, Miodelo' (Anuario Brigantino 25, 2002); 'Gallaecia y sus etimologías' (‘Sub luce florentis calami’, homage to Manuel C. Díaz e Díaz, Santiago University, 2002); 'BORMANICO, CIL II 2402 e 2403' (‘Actas do XX Congreso Internacional de Ciencias Onomásticas’, Pedro Barrié de la Maza Foundation, A Coruña, 2002); 'Cambre, Pambre e outros topónimos en –bre' (Revista Galega de Filoloxía 4, 2003); 'Conimbriga y otros topónimos en –briga' (‘Lógos Hellenikós’, homage to Professor Gaspar Morocho Gayo, León University, 2003); 'Topónimos y leyes en Galicia' (El Extramundi y los papeles de Iria Flavia XXXIV, 2003); speech in the ceremony that awarded Professor Jürgen Untermann the degree of doctor honoris causa (Santiago, 2003); 'Labiovelares en material galaico y lusitano' (Verba 30, 2003); 'Empadronando a Padrón' (El Extramundi y los papeles de Iria Flavia XXXVII, 2004); 'El río Miño y sus etimologías' (‘Patrimonio Artístico de Galicia y otros estudios’, homage to Professor Serafín Moralejo Álvarez, Xunta de Galicia, Santiago, 2004); 'Tradición clásica en Galicia' (Actas del XI Congreso de Estudios Clásicos, Madrid, 2004); 'Documentación prelatina en Gallaecia' (‘Simposio Lingua e Territorio’, Santiago, 2005). He has published again with a text review and note correction the Liber Sancti Iacobi, ‘Codex Calixtinus’, translated into Spanish by A. Moralejo and some collaborators, (Xunta de Galicia, Santiago, 2004). He also translated from Greek into Galician: 'Arquíloco, escolma de fragmentos' (Grial 49, 1975), 'Píndaro. Pítica VIII' (Serta Gratulatoria in honorem J. Régulo, La Laguna University, 1985) and ‘Aristóteles. Política’ (Santiago University – BBVA Foundation, Santiago, 2003).

 Other Interesting Aspects

He has collaborated in El Correo Gallego from 1967 to 1971 and in La Voz de Galicia since 1972, being awarded Fernández Latorre Prize in 1997. He drew and manuscribed ‘Bestiario Helénico’ for Helena, his daughter, (Biblioteca Galega, A Coruña, 1991). As he is keen on river fishing, he wrote 'Guía para pilla-las troitas, miñas señoras' (Xerais, Vigo, 1981; 2nd ed. Galaxia, Vigo 2005, ‘As troitas, miñas señoras’).
He has been a member of the Santiago University Choir and the Collegium Compostellanum, created and directed by M. Zumalave.