He studied Secondary Education at Apóstol Santiago School in Vigo. He entered the Company of Jesus in 1960, moving to Brazil in 1964, where he studied Philosophy and Pedagogy. In 1970, he started Theology in San Miguel - Buenos Aires (Argentina) and studied Spiritual Theology at the Gregorian University of Rome (1971-74). In 1998, he attended a course on the Old Testament in Jerusalem (Israel). D. José Delicado Baeza ordained him as a priest in Vigo on 31st August 1972.
He published some books in Portuguese such as ‘Oração e libertação’ (1976), ‘Você, Para quê? Para quem?’ (1979), ‘Discípulos do Senhor hoje’ (1981), ‘Na terra como no céu’ (1982), ‘Ao encontro de Inácio de Loyola’ (1983/ 2005), ‘Acompanhamento Vocacional: um caminho’ (1988) and ‘O demônio meridiano’ (2002). He also wrote several articles about spirituality in the following magazines: ‘Manresa’, Spain (1973), ‘O mensageiro de S. Antônio’, Italy (1973) and ITAICI (1992-2005). He also coordinated the Pastoral Manual of the Company of Jesus for Latin America (2005).
He was a member of the pastoral team of ISI / Belo Horizonte (1975), founder of the ‘Comunidad Vocacional’ (1980), member of CEI-ITAICI/SP, director of Anchietanum/SP (1995-1998), director of Fora/MG (1999-2005) and member of the central team of the Latin American Company of Jesus.