José Martínez Couselo


He studied Secondary Education at ‘Minerva’ Academy in Pontevedra and then Medicine in Santiago. He started his journalistic works in university publications and went on in the old evening paper La Noche. He is an editor on leave of Spanish TV in Galicia, responsible for the news. He was head of press of Santiago University for a decade, director of the news services on Galician TV and editor-in-chief of the Galician News Agency, editor of the newspaper ‘Atlántico Diario’ (Vigo) and the Galician magazine ‘Eco’, correspondent of ‘La Vanguardia’ (Barcelona) and the magazine ‘Economía’ (Madrid) and delegate of the Galician magazine ‘Chan’, edited in Madrid by Borobó. In the first four years of the Autonomy he collaborated in the newspaper ‘Faro de Vigo’ with a daily section. He spent most of his professional life in the newspaper ‘El Correo Gallego’, where he is working as an editor and goes on with the section ‘Con acento gallego’. He also collaborated in ‘O Correo Galego’, the first newspaper written in Galician language but he had to give up as it was incompatible with the column in the newspaper written in Spanish. His journalistic work was awarded several prizes such as the first prize of the Galician College of Industrial Engineers, ‘Cidade de Vigo’ second prize, ‘Banco de Bilbao’ Prize of Ferrol (twice), Villa de O Grove Prize, ‘Alvaro Cunqueiro’ National Gastronomic Journalism Prize and so on. He was also awarded the National University Journalism for his publications.