José Manuel Suárez Sandomingo

Category: Educator
Birth Date: 5th October 1959
Birth Place: Ortigueira (A Coruña)
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Biblioteca Virtual GD

He took a degree in Educational Sciences and a doctor’s degree in Pedagogy. He worked as an educator in a re-education centre of the Xunta de Galicia in A Coruña from 1985 to 1994. Then he became educator of the Xunta de Galicia in Santiago de Compostela and since 2004 he has been the president of the Galician Association of Educators.

 Work & Activities


He wrote several books about childhood and education such as Centros de menores, de onte a hoxe (1998), Historia dos dereitos da infancia (1999) and La inserción sociolaboral de los jóvenes tutelados: el Progama Mentor en Galicia (2009). He has also coordinated several collective books: La interculturalidad pedagógica: nuevos enfoques, nuevas prácticas (2004) and Mediar para remediar conflictos (2005). He wrote chapters for O reto da converxencia dos sistemas formativos e a mellora da calidade da formación (1999); La integración sociolaboral de jóvenes tutelados (2000) Psicología jurídica del menor (2000); El practicum en el nuevo contexto del espacio europeo de educación superior (2005); Escola e familia: encontros vs desencontros (2007); Intervención pedagógica en la adopción (2008); Pedagogía del Ocio: nuevos desafíos (2009); Menores e xuventude: novos retos (2009), Diccionario Galego de Pedagoxía (2010); Benigno Teijeiro Martínez. El mayor polígrafo gallego en Argentina (2011), Menores en crisis (2012), Federico Maciñeira, su vida y su época (2014) and his latest work Orteganos ilustres.

He has published over three hundred articles in several Galician newspapers and specialized magazines. Nowadays he writes a column about biographies titled Orteganos en el mundo in La Voz de Ortigueira and in Galicia Dixital (

 Other Interesting Aspects

He was awarded the UNICEF National Journalism Prize for his article “Éranse una vez los Derechos del Niño…” (El Ideal Gallego, 5th June 1989). He is a member of the Latin Amercian Association of Social Pedagogy (SIPS), the Spanish Association of Educative and Psychopedagogic Orientation and UNICEF, coordinator of the editorial staff of ‘Perspectiva pedagógica’, AXAC (Lugo) and member of the editorial staff of ‘Revista IPSE-ds (Revista de Intervención psicosocioeducativa en la desadaptación social), Dulac (Barcelona). He also directed ‘Escuela de padres’, a programme on Radiovoz. He gives courses and lectures for educators.