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He was the official pianist of Santa Irene Secondary School in Vigo. He has celebrated many concerts at the Galician Parliament, University of Santiago de Compostela, University of Vigo, El Escorial, Santiago’s Cathedral, City Council of Vigo, Club de Leones (Vigo), University of A Coruña and in many Galician city councils. He participated in many official and charity events, taking offices of the members of the Galician Academy of Fine Arts and homages of the Xunta de Galicia. He was elected to create the music of ‘El desenlace’, a film by Juan Pinzás.
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He has been the pianist and director of ‘Coral Polifónica Casablanca’ for twenty years. He was secretary and vice-president of the Vigo Chamber Orchestra and a great promoter of the pipe in Galicia. He recorded ‘Galicia inédita en el teclado’, a selection of famous pieces of the Galician song books he harmonized. He was the producer of the only record by Álvaro Cunqueiro (1980). He founded and directed Orpheo Musical Society for thirty-four years, carrying out many performances, lectures, contests, donations and national and international conferences. He is a member of the Spanish General Society of Authors and has many classic and melodic compositions such as ‘Himno a Vigo’, ‘Farewell Vigo’, ‘Pater Noster’, ‘Poema Final’, 'Consejos', 'Petición', 'Himno del leonismo de España', 'Loa al peregrino' and 'El último vals'.
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He is a member of the ‘Orden de la Gaita de Oro’. He directed Galician folk groups and was awarded two first national prizes in Madrid. He is an honourable member of ‘Foro Musical’, member of the Strategic Plan of Vigo in the Culture Commission (1992) and member of the jury in important contests. He has many personal and business prizes and his name appears in the Cultural Guides of Theatre, Music and Dance, published by the Xunta de Galicia.