Fiz Vergara Vilariño

Category: Poet
Birth Date: 15th April 1953 (†18th July 1997)
Birth Place: Santalla de Lóuzara, Samos (Lugo)

He studied Secondary Education in Lugo and immediately returned to his native village because of a serious disease. He devoted himself to literature and despite his illness, he did not stay shut away but he often went out with his beloved parents and sister, Irene, who usually recited his poems.

 Work & Activities

Pra vós (1971), prologued by Xesús Alonso Montero, was his first book. Then he wrote Encontro cos tiburós (1973), Orfo de ti en terra adentro (1976), Poeta muiñeiro á deriva (1983), Nos eidos da bremanza (1990, Premio Galicia da Crítica) and Pastora de sorrisos (1993).
There are two different stages in Fiz’s poetry, both of them articulated around the book “Orfo de ti en terra adentro”. In the first stage, Vergara is an immature poet; he is full of strength but quite inexperienced in the literary technique so many of his poems turned out to be unsuccessful. But with "Poeta muiñeiro á deriva" he already shows what it was expected from him, which was perfectly confirmed in his great, beautiful and terrible book "Nos eidos da bremanza". Fiz’s poetry is rough and soft, graceful and horrific and the most worn words shine as it had just been invented for the occasion. It has been rightly asserted that Fiz Vergara Vilariño was one of the best newest poets.

 Other Interesting Aspects

Fiz Vergara was awarded Chao Ledo Prize on three occasions, Meigas e Trasgos Prize on seven occasions, Begonte Prize on ten occasions and the Critic Prize.