He took a degree in Philosophy at the University of Santiago de Compostela (2000). Since 2003 he has been teaching Philosophy, at the moment he is working at Fernando Blanco Secondary School in Cee (A Coruña).
He developed the project of his doctoral thesis in the Faculty of Philosophy at the Open University (Madrid) with a work about music, philosophy and aesthetic ontology.
He works in the elaboration of didactic materials about modern music for secondary education.
He is a member of the GCEIS (Grupo Compostela de Estudios sobre Imaginarios Sociales) in the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (USC) since 1998, coordinator of the Philosophy working Group in the CEFORE (A Coruña), member of the Galician Society of Philosophy (SOGAFI) and foundation member of the Spanish-Chilean Society of Philosophy, where he coordinates “Espazo Ágora” (Sociedad de Filosofía Hispano-chilena).
-“Spinoza: modo finito e cidadanía”, in the proceedings of the Philosophy Week of Pontevedra, Aula Castelao (2004).
-Baruch Spinoza, Baía Edicións (2007).
-“Tecnoloxías do pracer”, Revista Saudiña, Cefore A Coruña, Consellería de Educación.
-“Repetición, música e subxectividade”, Revista de Filosofía Ágora, USC.
He organised courses and lectures:
-“Aproximación ó pensamento posmoderno”, Cefore, A Coruña (2007).
-“Nietzsche, educador do século XXI”, Faculty of Philosophy, USC (2007).
-“Proposta de semente musical para unha nova ontoloxía do suxeito”, I Jornadas de Nuevos Investigadores, Faculty of Philosophy, USC, Santiago de Compostela (2007).
-“Aprender fóra da aula. Unha experiencia sobre a identidade”, III Jornadas de Didáctica de la Filosofía, USC, Santiago de Compostela (2007).
-Musician and blues guitarist since 1998. He has carried out concerts all around Galicia and the rest of Spain with several groups: The Fly, Degüello, Mojo Trío, &c.