He spent most of his life in Lugo, where he worked as a civil servant in the County Council of Lugo and devoted himself to Music and other artistic and cultural activities. He studied solfa and singing with the musician Juan Montes, who was a very good friend of him (Indalecio Valera was married with his niece Asunción Montes).
These are some of his most important works: Estudios sobre los orígenes y desarrollo de la música popular gallega (1892), Las sociedades corales gallegas, "El Eco de Galicia", 8 to 15-7-1893, Estudio biográfico-crítico de D. José Pacheco, maestro de capilla de la catedral de Mondoñedo (Lugo, 1897), ?Figuras epónimas. Juan Montes? in Lugo y su provincia. Libro de Oro, several authors (1929), Monografía sobre la música patriótica española (1901) and Del piano y de los pianistas (1905).
He was a member of the Galician Academy, St Fernando Academy of Fine Arts in Madrid and president of the Provincial Commission of Historical and Artistic Monuments of Lugo. In 1926, he was awarded the work medal.