2004: Exhibition Gallery, Foz (Lugo) and ‘O Abrigadoiro’ Rural Tourism Establishment, Palas de Rei (Lugo).
2003: Lugo’s Museum and Lugo’s Spa.
2002: Lyceum, Betanzos (A Coruña).
2001: Xunta Gallery (Lugo).
2000: Xunta Gallery (Lugo).
1999: Xunta Gallery (Lugo).
1998: Cultural Centre of Guitiriz (Lugo).
1997: ‘A Fervenza’ Rural Tourism Establishment (Foz).
1996: Gallery of ‘Monterrey’ Restaurant (Lugo).
1995: Fingoi Cultural Centre (Lugo).
1994: Old Age Hall (Lugo).
1993: ‘Casetas de la Compañía’ (Monforte de Lemos).
1992: ‘Sarriá’ Gallery (Lugo).
1991: County Council of Lugo.
1990: ‘Banco Gallego’ Gallery (Lugo).
1989: Collective exhibition with ‘Auxilia Lugo’.
1988: Clavicémbalo Gallery (Lugo).
1981: ‘Caixa Galicia’ Gallery (Monforte de Lemos).
1980: Collective exhibition with ‘Auxilia Lugo’.
He was awarded the first prize of the Galician Autonomous Region in Avilés and Pamplona.