He took a degree in Hispanic Philology (Galician-Portuguese) (1981) and a doctor’s degree in Galician Philology (1995) at Santiago de Compostela University, where he has been a Professor since 1982. Nowadays he is Professor of Galician and Portuguese Philology. He was a visitor Professor at Lisbon University, City University of New York and Buenos Aires University, conversation assistant at Birmingham University, coordinator of ‘Sarmiento’ Project and coordinator of the Report on Linguistic Policy and Normalization in Galicia (1980-2000) of the Council of Galician Culture. He studied the standardization process of Galician language and is the director of the Galician Centre of Sociolinguistic Documentation.
He edited Sempre en Galiza, Castelao: conferencias y discursos and Obra Completa by Castelao, Follas Novas by Rosalía, works by Otero Pedrayo and Martín Sarmiento and the volume Estudios de Sociolingüística Galega (Galaxia, 1995). Besides, he was the author of the volume Castelao: Defensa e significación do idioma galego e Historia Social da Lingua Galega (1999).
He is on the editorial staff of the magazine ‘Dorna’ and coeditor of ‘Grial’. He is also a researcher of the Institute of Galician Language, coordinator of the language section and secretary of the Council of Galician Culture.