Gonzalo Bouza-Brey Villar

Birth Date: 18th April 1952
Birth Place: Vilagarcía de Arousa (Pontevedra)

He developed most of his personal and professional life in his native village in the bosom of a family linked to Galician literature and culture with deep democratic, Galician and republican convictions which marked him in his development. The access to the family library also approached him to Galician and universal culture and marked his literary preferences since he was a child.
He studied Secondary Education at Minerva School (today Peleteiro School) in Santiago, where he developed his cultural interests participating in poetry contests within the ‘Xogos Minervais’, organized and directed by Avelino Abuín de Tembra, his teacher of Literature, or participating in the theatre group directed by Rodolfo López Veiga. With this group he performed plays by Valle Inclán, Molière, Castelao and Antígona by Jean Anouilth, translated into Galician by Xosé Luís Franco Grande, Xosé Manuel Beiras and Rafael Silva in 1963, which had been an outstanding event for Galician culture. When he was ten, he began to collaborate in Vamos, the school magazine edited by Abuín de Tembra.
He studied Law and History at the University of Santiago de Compostela and was student representative. After doing his military service in Africa in 1972, he returned to practise as an attorney general in Vilagarcía at his father’s office, Luis Bouza-Brey. He took an active part in the underground Galician Communist Party, reorganizing the party and promoting the creation of over sixty cultural and residents’ associations. He also founded and coordinated the Democratic Assembly of Arousa, which was a platform that joined all the political forces of that area. This platform had a very important social projection and became a unique case of unity in Galicia.
He was also candidate to deputy and was elected Deputy Mayor of Vilagarcía during the first democratic local corporation, taking part in the government of the City Council integrated by a coalition between PSOE and PCG.
After returning from his military service in Africa, he took an active part in the cultural movement of that area, becoming foundation member and secretary of the Cultural Association of Arousa, the cultural centre of Arousa, the Patronage of the Music Band of Vilagarcía, the  Asociación de Amigos do Ferrocarril “Arousa Tren”.
He gave many lectures and participated in conferences and seminars all over Galicia, Spain and Latin America.
He was the president of the First Conference on Galician Poetry, celebrated in Vilagarcía in 1997 because of the 50th anniversary of the edition of “Cómaros Verdes” by Aquilino Iglesia Alvariño, the first published in Galician language after the Civil War. He also coordinated two courses organized by  Catoira City Council and the University of Santiago de Compostela: “A resistencia cultural de Galicia no franquismo” and “Loita guerrilleira en Galicia contra a ditadura.
Since he was very young, he began to write in El Correo Gallego, El Pueblo Gallego, Hoja del Lunes de Vigo, La Voz de Galicia, Faro de Vigo and Diario de Arousa (in this newspaper he founded and coordinated its cultural supplement, “Arousa un mar de cultura”, for over seven years). He was also correspondent of “Scientia Iuridica”, the Portuguese magazine  in Braga and collaborated in Ciudadano and Posible (Madrid) as well, publishing about two thousand articles.

 Work & Activities

-“Canto en tres tempos de amor e esperanza”, Santiago (1972).
-“Periplo de amor e mar”.
-“Ferro Couselo e o Ateneo do Ullán”, Xunta de Galicia (2000).
 -“Notas puntuais sobor das letras galegas no século XX”, Xunta de Galicia, (“Galicia Terra Única” (1997).
- “Luis Bouza-Brey, obra completa”, Edicións do Castro.
-“Os arousáns polo mundo. Nós tamén fumos emigrantes”, Porto de Vilagarcía (2008).
-“Luis Bouza-Brey, un poeta en San Simón”, “Literatura galega e guerra civil española” Edicións Xerais de Galicia, 2006.
-“Borobó” (collective work), Edicións do Castro (2002).
-“O alcumario de Arousa, do Ullán e do Salnés”, Catoira (2008).
Unpublished books:
- “A literatura galega en Portugal, 1900-1980”: the book collects 1965 Galician articles in books, lectures and papers in conferences and articles in magazines and newspapers during that period in Portugal.
-“Os meus mestres”: in this book he writes about his relation and experiences with Otero Pedrayo, Fermín Bouza-Brey, Risco, Xocas, Álvarez Blázquez, Santos Junior, Borobó, Ramón Velenzuela, Paz Andrade, Francisco Xosé Veloso, Dieste and Seoane.
-“A cociña tradicional das casas señoriais galegas dos séculos XIX e XX”: this book is a collection of 243 recipes taken from his ancestors.