Froilán López López

Category: Priest and Professor
Birth Date: In 1900 (†In 1990)
Birth Place: Láncara (Lugo)

He started his ecclesiastical studies in the Seminary of Lugo and finished at the Spanish College of Rome, where he was ordained as a priest in 1925. He taught Latin in this Seminary and shortly after he took a degree and a doctor’s degree in Philosophy and Theology at the Gregorian University of Rome and Philosophy and Arts (Classic Languages Section) at the University of Madrid. He practised teaching in Madrid and Lugo, where he directed the Secondary School. Then he moved to Alicante for health reasons and worked in the Secondary School until he retired in 1970.

 Work & Activities

As a result of his research works, he published Las Oraciones Gramaticales en los Clásicos Latinos (Lugo, 1928), Antología Latina, 1. Ejercicios morfológicos. La oración simple (Lugo, 1951), Cornelii Nepotis Vitae. Eumenes, Phocion-Breve sinopsis de Sintaxis, (Lugo, 1951), Q. Quili Ciceronis. Comentariolum Petitionis (Lugo, 1951), Antología Latina II (Lugo, 1953) and Brevisíma sinopsis de Prosodia y Métrica épica (Lugo, 1953). He is also the author of the following works: Museo y taller de reproducciones de objetos clásicos, Actas del Primer Congreso Español de Estudios Clásicos, Los topónimos ibéricos derivados de sursum y deorsum, VI Internacionales Kongress für Narmenforschung; Etimología del topónimo ‘Sasdónigas’ II Congreso Español de Estudios Clásicos, Presupuestos necesarios para la redacción del Corpus Toponymicum y del Corpus Anthoroponymicum de Galicia and VIII Congreso de Onomástica. Some of his works were published in the magazine ‘Grial’.

 Other Interesting Aspects

He was paid a homage in 1971 for his teaching activity.