Jei Noguerol

Category: Teacher, singer and composer
Birth Date: 1st June 1950
Birth Place: Covas, Viveiro (Lugo)

He studied Law, Philology, Guitar and Solfa. He took a degree in Hispanic and Galician-Portuguese Philology and works as a teacher of Secondary Education (he teaches Spanish Language and Literature).

 Work & Activities

These are some of his most important books: Denantes dos vinte anos; ¿Queres ser mar do meu río?; Nunha tarde... un pensamento; Compañeiro; Sr. Ministro, por favor; Cabaleiros; Cantigas da Fradería; Polo Atlántico Norte; Marea Baixa de azúis, A miña voz and Lúa Nova. He translated the book Follas Novas by Rosalía de Castro into Spanish. He founded the group 'Evasión' and set to music two works by Valle-Inclán, among other artistic activities.

 Other Interesting Aspects

He was awarded the following prizes: prize to the best letters in the First Festival of missionary Song (Santiago de Compostela), first prize of the 14th Festival of New Carols (Pamplona), prize of 'Rosalía de Castro' Foundation (1980) and prize of the Shellfish Festival in O Grove (1983).