Francisco Xabier Vázquez Fernández

Pseudonym: Francisco Vázquez Chantada
Category: Teacher and writer
Birth Date: 29th April 1956
Birth Place: Chantada (Lugo)

He studied in Chantada, Ourense and Santiago of Compostela, where he finished Teaching. He worked at several schools in A Coruña, Boiro, Louro and Muros, a seaboard town where he is living at the moment. He has been a member of the Association of Writers in Galician Language since it was founded.

 Work & Activities

He published his first novel A Chazca in 1982 (Do Castro Publications). It is a short novel based on the events of the Civil War in 1936. Many years later, he published Crónica de Ofiusa (2003, Sotelo Blanco Publications), a novel that recreates a fantastic trip all around a mythical Galicia.