Francisco Piñeiro González

Birth Date: 4th July 1956
Birth Place: Reguengo - Mondoñedo (Lugo)


After studying Teaching in Lugo, he began to work as a teacher in San Cugat del Vallés (Barcelona). Afterwards, he returned to Galicia and worked in the ‘Mariña Lucense’, Sarria, Ferrol and finally at ‘Monte Castelo’ Secondary School in Burela. In order to complete his pedagogical activity, he began to perform theatre plays in the Auditorium of Sargadelos. Then, he founded ‘O Bordelo’ Theatre Group (Cervo) in 1998 and ‘A Adala’ Theatre Group (Fazouro - Foz) in 1999. He has performed over two hundred plays all around Galician and the West of Asturias.

 Work & Activities

These are some of his most outstanding works: Andar á comenencia, Na Encrucillada, Cambadelas, Relax-Total, Trébedes sen lume, Plática Sisual, No San Campio, Ferro e fariña, Borrando sombras and the plays for children Nos anos bisestos os animais tamén falan galego, O bicho and Unha tarde de pesca. As far as street theatre is concerned, he organised mass performances such as A emigración, which was created for the ‘Queimada Popular’ in Cervo with over sixty actors and recorded for the TV programme ‘De Galicia para el mundo’, A rebelión irmandiña, in the surroundings of the Castle of Moeche and Milagre de San Campio for the programme ‘Galicia enteira’.

He was awarded the following prizes:


-First prize at Lorenzo Varela Journalism Contest for the article ‘Lorenzo Varela, Quixote con alma galega’.

-First prize at the 29th Edition of Belén de Begonte Journalism Prize for the article ‘A nosa semente’.

-First prize at the 30th Edition of Belén de Begonte Journalism Prize for the article ‘A luz da igualdade’.



-He was awarded the prize of the first edition of Laxeteatro Theatre Contest for ‘San Campio’.

-He was awarded the prize of the second edition of Daniel Cortezón Theatre Prize for ‘Derradeira Batalla do Marqués de Sargadelos’.

-He was awarded the prize of the third edition of Laxeteatro Theatre Contest for ‘Cambadelas’.

-He was awarded the prize of the third edition of Daniel Cortezón Theatre Prize for ‘Katharsis’.

- He was awarded the prize of the fourth edition of Daniel Cortezón Theatre Prize for ‘Trébedes sen lume’.

-He was awarded the especial prize of the public and the prize to the best actor in the Fourth Theatre Show in Sada with ‘O Mariñán’.

-He was awarded the prize to the best performance at ‘IX Domingos a Escena de Caranza’ (Ferrol) with ‘R.I.P. Marandaina’.


-He was awarded the first prize at the 9th edition of Manuel Orestes Rodríguez López Literary Contest for ‘Da auga e da terra de Paradela’.

-He was awarded the first prize at the 10th edition of Manuel Orestes Rodríguez López Literary Contest for ‘Tempos de morno asubío’.

-He was awarded the first prize at the 15th Edition of A Pipa de Becerreá Literary Contest for ‘O mudo de Becerreá’.

-He was awarded a special mention at Rosa Reboredo Second Contest (Cornellá – Barcelona) for ‘Cando o mudo falou’.

-He was awarded a consolation prize at the 11th edition of Manuel Orestes Rodríguez López Contest for ‘Os pétalos de Adila’.

-He was awarded a consolation prize at the 12th edition of Manuel Orestes Rodríguez López Contest for ‘Xálima Loio: Deus o vol’.

-He was awarded the first prize at the 15th Edition of A Pipa Literary Contest for ‘Cando o mudo falou’.



-He was awarded a consolation prize at the 8th edition of Manuel Orestes Rodríguez López Contest for the poem ‘Ai de min Paradela’.


Ethnography and research

-'Historia do teatro afeccionado na Mariña Lucense' and others.

-Usual collaborator with pedagogical or literary articles in Galician magazines.

-Narrator, storyteller, lecturer, poet and cultural promoter.

-In August 2009 he was honoured as ‘Caballero del Mariscal Pardo de Cela’ for his cultural activity.