Fina Roca

Category: Teacher of Spanish Language and Literature
Birth Date: 18 de abril de 1947
Birth Place: Ferrol (A Coruña)

-Degree in Philosophy and Arts (Geography and History) at the University of Santiago de Compostela.
-Head of the Department of Spanish Language and Literature at Urbano Lugrís Secondary School in A Coruña.
-Tutor of the practical lessons of the Institute of Education Sciences at the Universities of Santiago, A Coruña and the Polytechnical of Madrid.
-Member of the board of directors of the ‘Seminario de Estudios Terra de Viveiro’.
-Reference teacher of the didactic project to promote reading among children and youth: PBE (Programa Biblioteca Escuela), subsidized by Bertelsmann Foundation.
-Collaborations in El Heraldo de Vivero and Tempos Novos as well as on radio and TV. She was the main character of several episodes of A Memoria Cotiá, a documentary on Galicia TV based on the stories and memories of characters of the most varied jobs and ages, directed by Manolo Gómez; it is a view over the development of Galician society throughout the 20th century.
-Literary critic, scriptwriter, documentary maker and literature commentator: Do Cómic á Literatura Universal on Localia TV in the programme ‘Tres Piés al Gato’ (2003) and in ‘Magazul’, a radio programme about children’s literature and language on Radio Voz (2003-2004).
-Columnist in El Mundo (1998-2002). Her reports are published in several national, autonomical and local newspapers and magazines: Luís Tobío Ciencia Enteira. Rolindes Mariñeira Titulada. Principiños de Favelas. María do Cabaleiro nai do Maio Arxentino, do Nogarido, Covas-Viveiro. Cataventos. Entroido. San Andrés de Teixido. Carmen a portuguesa. A casa Barros. O Pazo do Grallal...

 Work & Activities

-‘Cartafol das Fontes de Viveiro’, Seminario de Estudos Terra de Viveiro (August 1994)
-‘As Carrachentas’, Estabañón Cultural Association, Viveiro (2008).
She has a blog in the internet:

 Other Interesting Aspects

She was awarded the first prize of Sementeira Cultural Association in 1975 (Manuel María was the president of the panel). Throughout her professional life, she has been awarded many literary and computer prizes with her pupils.
She organizes the excursions of the end of the school year and the ‘Rotas Literarias’ in the Secondary School where she is working. She also coordinates ‘A Queimada’, the school newspapers that was awarded ‘Cataluña Tierra de Acogida’ , a prize announced by the Generalitat in 2003, where about 50.000 school papers of public and private teaching took part.