Fernando González Truque

Birth Date: In 1974
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-Degree in Sociology at the University of A Coruña (1992-1997).
-Doctor’s degree in Theory and Methodology for the Analysis of Social Reality, Political Science and Administration Department, University of A Coruña (1997-1999).
-Research competence (September 1999).
-MA in Family Advice, ICAI-ICADE Pontifical University, Madrid (1999-2000).


 Work & Activities

Professional experience
As a sociologist, he designed and started up projects for the social and labour incorporation of people in social difficulty. He elaborated personalized itineraries going from the personal and professional education up to the access to professional jobs.
He was auditor of business projects. Contractors: Red Igloo Galicia (May 1999 – December 2001), Alar Galicia Integral projects for Galician social and labour insertion (May 2001 - April 2002) and Ingafor Lugo (February-May 2008).
Employment technician: search for the potentialities of economical development of various influence sectors, design and management of plans of action, dinamization and implementation of employment policies and promotion of programmes for youth insertion.
He is the president of Alar Galicia.
Research projects
He participated in the coordination and direction (design, data compilation, analysis and synthesis) of several studies and research projects financed by the Xunta de Galicia from 2002 to 2007:
-      First study on the needs of Lugo (2002).
-      Study on the media and the role of woman and its incidence (2003).
-      Study on the prostitution in Lugo (2004).
-      Press and children (2005).
-      Violence and women (2006).
-      Study on Gender-based Violence in the media (2007).
He worked as a family adviser in Afami CB during 2007.
Teaching experience
-1997-1998: Courses on Introduction to Computers in the Faculty of Sociology.
-2001-2006: Courses on Social Abilities, Galician Plan for Social Inclusion.
-2001-2002, 2002-2003, 2003-2004 and 2004-2005: Employment workshops.
-2003, 2004 and 2005: Courses of the Galician Equality Service (Xunta de Galicia).
-2005: Conferences on Educative and Labour Orientation in the Secondary Schools of Lugo.
-2005: Courses on Job Training and Basic Technical Training in Careers Guidance for Employment.
-2006: Seminars on Employment Search and Enterprising Culture in the Secondary Schools of Lugo.
-2006: Workshop on techniques of educative relation and pedagogical accompaniment, Spring School, Galician School of Social Educators (CESG).
-2006: Courses on Intercultural Mediator.
-2007: Module on Business Creation for the Course on Dependence, arranged by CEFORTRANS.
-2007: Module on Business Creation for the Course on Dangerous Goods on the road, arranged by CEFORTRANS.
-2007: Module on the Dependence Law for the Course on Dependence, arranged by CEFORTRANS.
-2007, 2008 and 2009: Seminars on Active Methods for Employment Search at various Secondary Schools in Lugo.
-“Guía de Saídas Profesionais da Socioloxía e da Ciencia Política”, Xunta de Galicia.
-“Curso de Análisis de la idea de negocio y elaboración de un plan de empresa” organized and directed by the Xunta de Galicia, BIC GALICIA and IGAPE (2003).
-“Curso de Cooperativismo e Desenvolvemento Local”, organized by AGADER and CETMAR Foundation (November-December 2004 and January 2005) and a practical visit to cooperatives and firms of social economy in the South of France.
He usually collaborates with Radio Voz Lugo and Telelugo (talk shows and social impact news) and in La Voz de Galicia and El Progreso de Lugo (news of social and labour interest). 


 Other Interesting Aspects

Galician: spoken and written (native language).
English: spoken and written. He stayed at the Universities of Vancouver (Canada) and Sheffield (England) to attend a course on English and English culture. He also attended two advanced courses on English at the University of A Coruña.
French: medium level (he attended four courses at the French Alliance).
Windows XP and Internet, OFFICE XP (Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint), SPSS 12.0 and web page design (Macromedia: Flash, Dreamweaver and Freehand). He created Alar Galicia web page (www.alargalicia.com).
Scholar of the Computing Classroom in the Faculty of Sociology at the University of A Coruña from September 1996 to May 1999 (he was responsible for the maintenance of 20 computers and projection systems).