Emilio Xosé Insua López

Category: Professor and writer
Birth Date: In 1967
Birth Place: Viveiro (Lugo)
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He took a doctor’s degree in Galician-Portuguese Philology at Santiago University with the thesis Antón Villar Ponte. Vida, obra, traxectoria cívica e pensamento, ellaborated under the direction of Elias Torres Feijó. He teaches Galician Language and Literaturee at ‘A Basella’ Secondary School in Vilanova de Arousa. He is on the editorial staff of the magazine ‘Cerna’, edited by the Association for the Ecological Defense of Galicia. He was a foundation member of the standing committee of the Linguistic Normalization Board (2001-2002), member of the board of directors of ‘Letras de Cal’ publishing house (Santiago 1997-2002) and was a member of the jury of the second edition of ‘Fiz Vergara Vilariño’ Prize (‘Ergueitos’ Cultural Association, Sarria) and the fifth edition of ‘Prados Ledesma’ Prize (City Council of Viveiro). He was co-editor of Catálogo de cruces e cruceiros da Terra de Viveiro, by the ‘Seminario de Estudos Terra de Viveiro’ (he is a foundation member of this institution as well as a member of the board of directors).

 Work & Activities

He usually collaborates with the weekly papers ‘Heraldo de Vivero’, ‘La Voz de Ortigueira’ and ‘A Nosa Terra’. As a poet, he collaborated in several collective books, participated in many poetry redings all around Galicia and published the book Devalar das esperas (Espiral Maior, 1995) and was awarded ‘Prados Ledesma’ Poetry Prize (Viveiro, 2002) with his poetry book Acontece ás veces a ternura. He wrote the edition of the play Os evanxeos da risa absoluta by Antón Villar Ponte and the respective fascicle (O teatro das Irmandades da Fala, nº 20) for the collection Historia da Literatura Galega jointly published by the Galician Sociopedagogical Association and ‘A Nosa Terra’ Publications (1996-1998). He wrote the prologue of the poetry book Cantos da Seiva by Xesús Pereiras (Espiral Maior, A Coruña, 2002). ‘Francisco Pillado’ Library (A Coruña University) published two plays by Antón Villar Ponte in September 1998: Entre dous abismos and Nouturnio de medo e morte. In octubre 2002 he made the introduction of two plays by Antón Villar Ponte for the collection ‘Biblioteca 120’: A patria do labrego and Almas mortas. He is also the author of the work Achegamento á poesía de Manuel María desde a perspectiva ecoloxista in the collective book homage to the poet Manuel María published by ‘Xermolos’ Cultural Association in 2001. Together with Millán Otero, Carlos L. Bernárdez, Rei Romeu and Laura Tato he wrote the monograph Literatura Galega. Século XX (‘A Nosa Terra’ Publications, Vigo, 2001). He also participated as a rapporteur in several symposia and conferences related to Galician Language and Literature. Together with other authors he also wrote Galician Language and Literature textbooks for Secondary Education (Galician Publishing Consortium, 2003-2004).

 Other Interesting Aspects

In December 1996 he got an accesit in the first edition of ‘Irmandiños’ Research Contest, organised by ‘Castelo de Moeche’ Cultural Association, for his work titled Prensa nacionalista ferrolá: o boletín rexionalista ‘Galicia’. In collaboration with Carlos Nuevo Cal he won the 17th edition of ‘Ánxel Fole’ Prize (2002), organised by the newspaper El Progreso and Caixa Galicia Foundation, for his work titled O primeiro Antón Villar Ponte. Achegamento ao período de formación do fundador das Irmandades da Fala (1881-1908)