Eduardo González Ananín

Category: Poet
Birth Date: 15th April 1926
Birth Place: San Bernaldo de Tibiás, Pereiro de Aguiar (Ourense)


He emigrated to Argentina in 1951 and returned in 1983, although he went on combining his stays both in Galicia and Buenos Aires for several years. He married Carolina Oliveira Pousa in 1953 and had two daughters.

 Work & Activities

POETRY WRITTEN IN GALICIAN: ‘Rol de cantárida’ (prologued by Víctor Campio Pereira), Edicións do Castro, A Coruña, 1997 (poems written from 1970 to 1995). As a member of ‘Dolmen’ Group, which was founded in Ourense in 1991, he collaborated with fourteen poems in the work ‘Sete poetas ourensáns’ (City Council of Ourense, 1992) and with nine poems in ‘Poesía dos aléns’ (Dolmen Group, Ourense, 1993). Four of his poems were collected in the magazines ‘Dolmen’ (Ourense) and ‘Rol de Cantárida’.
POETRY WRITTEN IN CASTILIAN: ‘Tiempo inesperado’, Edición Mastro, Buenos Aires, 1975; ‘Subida al mar’, Edición Mastro, Buenos Aires, 1976 and ‘Tierra compartida’, Edición Mastro, Buenos Aires, 1985 (these three books were illustrated by the poet Xosé Conde ‘Barqueiro). He also collaborated in ‘Propósitos’, ‘Alberdi y Galicia’ (Buenos Aires), ‘Diario de Filgueira’ in the magazine ‘Cadernos do Támega’ (Portugal), ‘Dorna’ (Santiago) and ‘Teresinka’ (a magazine published in the USA. He also participated in radio programmes such as ‘Recordando a Galicia’, directed by Alfredo Aróstegui and Maruxa Boga and ‘Palabra invicta’ in ‘Radio Nacional’ (Buenos Aires).