Eduardo Barreiros Rodríguez

Category: Businessman
Birth Date: 24th October 1919 (†19th February 1992)
Birth Place: Gundiás (Ourense)

When he was twelve, he left school and began to work as conductor in his father's bus and as apprentice in a garage in Ourense. As the Civil War broke out, he did his military service in the National Army and returned to Ourense when the war was over. Together with his brother, he founded a building firm making the first bus 'Barreiros' out of parts of other automobiles. In 1949, he changed petrol engines into diesel ones. Two years later, he moved to Madrid with his brothers and set up a factory of engine transformation. In 1954, he created the company 'Barreiros Ltd.', dedicated to the production of lorries, buses, tractors, vans, diesel engines and generator sets. In 1957, he presented the lorry 'Barreiros' in spite of the obstacles of the Ministry of Industry. In 1964, he formed a partnership with 'Simca' and 'Chrysler', appearing the 'Dodge Dart', breaking with 'Chrysler' and creating the holding company 'Inbursa'. He created the company 'Cimisa', which manufactured motors. In 1978, he moved to Cuba and advised Fidel Castro and started with his patent a factory of lorries and buses that would export to countries of the East Europe.

 Other Interesting Aspects

He got several distinctions such as the Great Cross of the Civil Merit, the gold medal to the work merit and the work and 'Dag Hammarskjold' International Prize to the Industrial Merit. He was the first Spanish businessman that bought a private airplane.