Edmundo Varela Lema

Category: Technical industrial engineer
Birth Date: 30th August 1947
Birth Place: A Coruña
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He graduated in Law and works as an environmental systems manager. Since 1995, he has collaborated as a rapporteur in many courses and conferences related to Environment and Health and Safety. He worked as a temporary civil servant in the City Councils of Arteixo, Oleiros and nowadays in Culleredo (A Coruña), where he is responsible for the Environment area and president of the Quality and Environment Committee. He also became responsible for Health and Safety in 1998.
He has been a senior member of the Technical Industrial Engineer Association in A Coruña since 1992, where he is responsible for the report of the Environment Commission. He is also the spokesman of the Environment Commission at the ‘Consello Galego de Enxeñeiros Técnicos Industriais’, being the president from 1994 to 1995 and from 2002 to 2003. He is also on the National Quality and Environment Board at the ‘Consello Xeral de Enxeñeiros Técnicos Industriais’.
Since 2000, he has also acted as a consultant to the FEGAMP (Galician Federation of Municipalities and Provinces) in all those matters related to Environment. In 2003, he created Galicia Innova Foundation, nowadays he is the president.

 Work & Activities

He participated in the study on Benchmarking of the real states of the USA and in the European projects: ‘Desenvolvemento de Plans de Acción Local para o Emprego Sostible. PAL-E e AL21’ and ‘EMASSER-RECITE II-Compra Verde’.

 Other Interesting Aspects

He organized the following conferences: ‘Encontros de Desenvolvemento Local e emprego’ and ‘Xornadas de Medio Ambiente Industrial en Galicia’.