She took a doctor’s degree in Ethnology and Ethnography at the University of Pennsylvania. Since 2008 she has been a scientist of the Spanish Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) at the Institute of Heritage Sciences (Incipit).
Her research lines verse on the role of rituals and expresive culture in contemporary societies; the patrimonialization and traditionalization processes and the intersection between migratory processes and the revitalization of religious practice.
Main researcher of the projects of “El Archivo del Duelo” R & D National Plan (2005-2008) about the mourning rituals in public spaces after the attacks on 11th March in Madrid and “Procesos de formación y cambio del paisaje cultural del Parque Nacional de las Islas Atlánticas de Galicia” (2011-2013), an all-around study on the cultural heritage of the park. She coordinated “Identity and Conflict. Cultural Heritage and the Reconstruction of Identities Alter Conflict (CRIC) (2008-2011)” of the 7th Framework Programme of the EU for the investigations of uses and instrumentalizations of cultural heritage after conflict situations. She is also the main researcher of “Procesos de patrimonialización no Camiño de Santiago: Tramo Santiago-Fisterra-Muxía” (2009-2012, XUGA).
She coordinated six research books about anthropology, rituals and tradicionalization practices. She also wrote thirty articles that were published in national and international magazines like Anthropology Today, Journal of American Folklore o RDTP.
Books: “Grassroots Memorials. The Politics of Memorializing Traumatic Death” (Oxford: Berghahn, 2011) and “El Archivo del Duelo. Análisis de la respuesta ciudadana ante los atentados del 11 de marzo en Madrid” (Madrid: CSIC, 2011).
Articles: “Rethinking Ethnology in the Spanish Context” (2008, Ethnologia Europaea), “Memorializing Traumatic Death” (2007, Anthropology Today) and “Santos y Misterios as Channels of Communication in the Diaspora: Afro-Dominican Religious Practices Abroad” (2005, Journal of American Folklore).