Since 1985 he has been studying with Augusto Fernándes, Ernesto Caballero, Fabio Mangolini, Malonda, Natalia Zereva, Nikolai Karpov, Irina Ipronptovna (Professors of the Russian Academy of Theatre Arts - Moscow), Paco Pino and Jaime Chávarri.
After studying Navigation in A Coruña, he was sailing until he was thirty. Then he devoted himself to performance; first he focussed on dubbing and theatre and then he also extended his activity to TV and cinema.
He began to represent characters in Caldebarcos (Carnota) in theatre within an association, focussing his activity mainly in Carnival. He also worked with puppets and combined all these activities with his job as a merchant seaman (now he is on leave of absence).
-2009: He directs the dramatized reading of “A chuvia que cae todos os días” by Roberto Salgueiro in the SGAE.
-2008: “A boa persoa de Sezuán”, by Bertold Brecht. Director: Nuno Cardoso (CDG) and "Náufragos” (La petite hutte) by Andre Roussin (Teatro Galileo).
-2006: Harpagón in “O Avarento” de Molière (Teatro Galileo).
-2005: Rodrigo in “García” by Cándido Pazó (Teatro de Adro) and Francisco I, Rei in “O divertimento do Rei” by Victor Hugo (Teatro Galileo).
-2004: Florindo in “Servidor de dous amos” by Carlo Goldoni (Teatro Galileo).
-2003: “Daquel Abrente: Laudamuco. Señor de Ningures” by Roberto Vidal Bolaño and “O Velorio” by Francisco Taxes. Chorona (Centro Dramático Galego).
-2001: “Rosalía” (R. Otero Pedrayo / Roberto Vidal Bolaño) CDG and Grain in “A cacatúa verde” by Arthur Schnitzler (CDG).
-2000: Gulliver in “Gulliver” by Jonathan Swift (Os Quinquilláns) and Don Ramón in “Os vellos non deben de namorarse” by Castelao (CDG).
-1999: Estragón in “Esperando a Godot” by Samuel Beckett (Teatro Galileo) and “Medianoite” by Roberto Blanco Torres (Teatro Galileo).
-1997: Merluza in “Flores de Papel” by Egon Wolf (Traslús Teatro).
-1996: “A Noite das Tríbades” by Per Olov Enquist (Teatro do Atlántico). He was nominated to María Casares Prizes as the best supporting actor for his performance in this play.
-1995: Luis Mejía in “Don Juan Tenorio” by J. Zorrilla (A. Teatral Coruñesa) and Theudia in “El Puñal del Godo” by J. Zorrilla (A. Teatral Coruñesa).
-1994: Lomov in “Petición de Man” by Antón Chejov (Teatro de Adro).
He was a foundation member of Teatro de Adro Company.
-1990: Together with Luisa Aguado, he founded BIRIMBAU Group and set up “O cabaleiro inexistente”, in shadow theatre, inspired in the work of the same title written by Italo Calvino.
-1989: He founded Petónda Fox (puppet theatre) in Caldebarcos (Carnota) and set up the following plays: “O tesouro da Raíña Lupa” and “Pallasín e Pallasete”. He was the author, director and actor of both plays.
-From 1977 to 2000 he organised and performed an annual street show in Caldebarcos (Carnota) and the surroundings, within Pedras Mariñas Cultural Association.
-1976: ‘Unha vez foi o trebón’ by Manuel María. Labour University of A Coruña.
-2009: “Instalación”, a short directed by José Díaz.
-2007: “La noche que dejó de llover” (Alfonso Zarauza).
-2006: “El menor de los males” (Antonio Hernández), “Siete mesas” (Gracia Querejeta) and “Adeus Edrada”, a short by Rubén Riós.
-2005: “De Bares” (Mario Iglesias).
-2004: “Heroína” (Gerardo Herrero) and “A última man” (Image & Sound School, Vigo) (short).
-2003: “Mar Adentro” (Alejandro Amenábar) and “Silectio” (Toti) (short).
-2001: “Los lunes al sol” (Fernando León), “Ilegal” (Ignacio Vilar) and “Xinetes na tormenta”, a short by Ricardo Llovo).
-2009: “Matalobos”, a series on TVG directed by Toño López and Jorge Saavedra.
-2008: “O club da calceta” (TV movie) by Antón Dobao and “O show dos Tonechos”, TVG, playing the Marquis.
-2007: “Valderrei”, TVG (main actor).
-2006: “O Bosque de levas” (TV movie) by Antón Dobao.
-2005: “Música secreta” (TV movie) by Joan Mallarach, “La Atlántida” (TV movie) by Belén Macías, “Pataghorobí” (TV movie) by Ricardo Llovo and “El Comisario” (episode: 123).
-2002: “Policías”.
-2001: “Periodistas”, “Terra de Miranda” (main actor), “Rías Baixas”, “Pequeno Hotel” (main actor) and “Galicia Exprés”.
-2000: “Un Mundo de Historias” (main actor) and “Mareas Vivas”.
-1999, 2000, 2003: “Luar”, “Televisión Total” and “Supermartes”.
-1998: “Pratos Combinados”.
He has basic knowledge of fencing and aikido.