He has carried out an intense cultural activity since he was young and was the vice-president of ‘Sementeira’ Cultural Association (Viveiro Lugo) in the late 1970’s. He was the president of the ‘Asociación de Defensa de la Ría’ in the 80’s. Nowadays, he is the president of the ‘Seminario de Estudos Terra de Viveiro’ since it was founded in 1996 and foundation member of the association ‘Amigos del Conjunto Histórico Artístico de Sargadelos’. He coordinated and founded the cultural magazine ‘Viveiro en Vivo’ (1988-89) and participated in the radio programme ‘Vellas Sombras. Novos Cantos’ and directed the cultural radio programme ‘Retallos da Terra’ (1995-96). During those years, he also participated in the talks of Radio Voz-Lugo. He is on the editorial staff of the magazine ‘Enclave-E.N’. He published articles in Heraldo de Vivero, A Nosa Terra, La Voz de Galicia, El Progreso, Lucensia, the magazine ‘Tempos Novos’ and the old Diario 16, Badal and Beiramar, among others.
He published the following works: Os conquistadores modernos. Movemento obreiro na Galicia de Anteguerra, (several authors), A Nosa Terra, 1992, Catálogo de Cruceiros e Cruces da Terra de Viveiro, (several authors). SET de Viveiro, 1996, Homenaxes a Lois Tobío. Madrid, 13 xullo de 2001, (several authors), Do Castro Publications, 2001, O Primeiro Antón Villar Ponte. (XVII premio literario Ánxel Fole), in collaboration with Emilio Xosé Insua López, Antes e despois da Guerra en Viveiro, A Nosa Terra: O 36 en Galicia,(1986), A pesca no distrito marítimo de Viveiro (1883-1912), Viveiro, 1986, Apuntes para unha historia da fotografía en Viveiro (1890-1909), Viveiro, 1992, A xénese do complexo industrial de Barro-Chavín (1896-1909), Lucensia, 1994, Orixes das feiras francas na bisbarra de Viveiro: A Feira das Maulas de Galdo, Viveiro, 2002, Os dous anos de Maruja Mallo no Viveiro señorial de 1902, Voz de Galicia, A Mariña, October 2002 and Cecilio Bedia Caballería: un militar exemplar, Heraldo de Viveiro (13th June 2003 – 25th July 2003). He wrote the prologue of the following books: Viveiro. Memoria fotográfica de medio século by Remigio Mestre. SETV, 1999, Anécdotas e personaxes dun Viveiro que se foi by José Nistal López. SETV, 2000, Homenaxe a Viveiro. Homenage to Viveiro by María Donapetry Camacho. Concello de Viveiro, 2003 and O Vicedo e a súa xente by José Manuel Moreno Moreno, County Council of Lugo Publication Service, 2003. Reports: Leiras Pulpeiro e Noriega Varela in the conference ‘Manuel Leiras Pulpeiro e o seu Tempo’ (Mondoñedo, 1998), A pesca en Viveiro. Auxe e decadencia da industria salazoneira, 1850-1912 (‘Pesca e Historia. Xuntanza Internacional de historia económica e social do sector pesqueiro’, Santiago de Compostela University, 1999), A emigración viveiresa en Cuba e no Plata (‘A emigración ultramarina dende a cornisa cantábrica, 1850-1950’, Cervo, 2002) and Ramón Villar Ponte e o galeguismo en Viveiro (1917-1936) (‘Ramón Vilar Ponte (1890-1953)’, Faculty of Humanities, Lugo, 2003).
He was finalist and accesit at the seventh edition of Ánxel Fole Prize (1993) for his work O primeiro Noriega Varela, os anos de formación (1869-1911). Together with Emilio Insua López, he was awarded Ánxel Fole Prize in 2003 for the combined work O primeiro Antón Villar Ponte. He gave a speech in the Carnivals and Summer Festivities of Viveiro in 1988 and Christmas in 2003.