Carlos Durán Neira

Category: Biologist and researcher
Birth Place: Santiago de Compostela (A Coruña)
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He took his degree in Biology at Santiago de Compostela University (1982). He was the secretary of the Galician Society of Natural History in the 80's, founder of the Society of Marine Biology of the Galician Society of Natural History, delegate of Marine Biology of the Galician Federation of Subaquatic Activities (1985) and founder of the Centre of Submarine Investigations (1987). Nowadays, he is technical director of the Centre of Submarine Investigations and diving trainer of the Spanish Federation of Subaquatic Activities. He is also an expert on Submarine Robotics, Cartography and Systems of Marine Geographical Information and Environmental Consultancy.

 Work & Activities

He makes pictures and submarine cinema. These are his most important productions: Cartografía de algas y erizos de las costas gallegas, Mapa de usos del litoral de Galicia (SIG), Cartografía de caladeros de pesca del litoral gallego, Cartografía bentónica del litoral de la comunidad valenciana, Cartografía en detalle del litoral asturiano, SIG de la costa entre Sagunto y Castellón, Estudios de impacto ambiental en obras públicas del litoral, Estudios del impacto ambiental en obras portuarias, Proyectos de acuicultura y nuevos recursos naturales y Cartografía de la isla de Lanzarote 2000-2002 (SIG).

 Other Interesting Aspects

He is a member of the Laboratory of Analysis and Environmental Quality, the hyperbaric house 'Galicia' and the diving school 'O Galeón'. He is working on I+D projects of submarine technology.